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Aug 28, 2022
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Cleveland, OH
Hey all, I guess the title says it all, my goal is to splice a Sega Saturn controller port to the ribbon cable of the JVS I/O I have, 837-13844-02 board. I found the pinout of the 40 pin connector and for the Sega Saturn controller but I'm not entirely sure what should go where, which is what lead me here.

I'm new to the forum and arcade modding but I have experience in vintage consoles and handhelds. This is my first arcade mod, if you can call it that? I'm essentially working on a "home console" version of the Triforce. I saw a video where a Sega Saturn Virtua Stick was being used to play Virtua Striker but there was no mention of the connection. I messaged the uploader for info of splicing the two together but have not heard back yet.

Attached below are the pinouts I've found for both the JVS and Saturn ports. Any info or if this has been done and I'm just a dummy who couldn't find the thread, please let me know. Thanks in advance!

JVS pinout
Saturn pinout
Quick update, I went back to the video thinking I would see something useful, I took a screenshot of the splice of the two together. I attached the photo below.

Connection screenshot