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Jun 22, 2015
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USA - North Dakota
I am trying to get as many Lindbergh games played on my D9202 CGA/EGA/VGA monitor as possible and some are "HD only". So I thought perhaps I could down convert those games to VGA resolution with the GBS8200 and take the HD signal down to a 640x480. I have tried with the GBS8200 and can't get it to work or display. Anyone else tried this? There are a few games on the multi-kit that are HD only with no "low resolution" alternatives - trying to see if those games can be played on a standard VGA arcade monitor or if you HAVE to go with an HDTV display.
You may have a difficult time with that due to the difference in aspect ratio. It's not only a difference of resolution. If you did just downconvert it you're going to have a very squashed funny-looking image.
Thanks for the reply. So in short; there really is no good way to get ALL the Lindbergh games on a standard CRT arcade monitor to display (even if it is VGA) because the newer games were built for HD displays and deluxe cabinets? I didn't think of the aspect ratio as well - I imagine they were designed for 16:9 HD displays and not 4:3 arcade monitors.
If I recall the only games that don't support 640x480 are ID5 and an Outrun 2 (only because it's widescreen: 720x480).

your D9200 might even support 720x480 just squished.

Everything else on the Lindbergh Multi either has a low-res variant that supports 640x480 or will just run at that resolution if the jumpers are set properly.
Yes; HOTD EX, ID5, Hummer Extreme, Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown (Error 51 Wrong Resolution Setting), and OutRun 2 SP SDX all don't work on the D9202 VGA monitor due to resolution issues. Outrun 2 is a big one - Yes; I can't get it to load with the 720x480 resolution which really stinks as I can't play Outrun 2 (Lindbergh) on my D9202. I wouldn't even mind it being squished at this point, but can't get anything to appear and is "out of range".
Which jumpers are you referring to on the Lindbergh for the 640x480 resolution? I was wondering if since it is a "PC" - its resolution simply can't be "set" to 640x480 and everything is sent out at that resolution just as a Windows PC.
Yes; HOTD EX, ID5, Hummer Extreme, Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown (Error 51 Wrong Resolution Setting), and OutRun 2 SP SDX all don't work on the D9202 VGA monitor due to resolution issues. Outrun 2 is a big one - Yes; I can't get it to load with the 720x480 resolution which really stinks as I can't play Outrun 2 (Lindbergh) on my D9202. I wouldn't even mind it being squished at this point, but can't get anything to appear and is "out of range".
Which jumpers are you referring to on the Lindbergh for the 640x480 resolution? I was wondering if since it is a "PC" - its resolution simply can't be "set" to 640x480 and everything is sent out at that resolution just as a Windows PC.
if you don't know where the resolution dip switches are then no wonder you're having problems.

on the filter board the dip switches are how you set the resolution.
dip 3 = hoirzontal (off) or verical (on)
dip 4 = 4:3 (off) or 16:9 (on)
dip 5/dip 6 set in various combinations for various resolutions

make sure 4, 5 and 6 are off for 640x480.

I've found that nearly all game if they don't support the resolution set by the jumpers will just run at whatever they feel like

dips 1, 2, 7 and 8 are "game specific" though the default is to have them all off with 8 on (no idea what any of them actually do though).
I'm interested to hear back on HotD EX.
I'm interested to hear back on HotD EX.
when I tested it HOTD EX was in a weird spot... it ran at 640x480 but some of the sprite based graphics don't scale and the game was designed for 1280x768 (I think) so some 2D graphic designed to take up the whole screen you'd only see the top left of it and the rest would be off-screen. The Low Res Version of Lets Go Jungle was similar but not as bad (most sprites seemed unaffected).

HOTD4 and Harley Davidson had the opposite problem, where they worked great in 640x480 but at higher resolutions many of the sprites were too small due to not scaling up.

looking at my notes Hummer Extreme was indeed another game that didn't support 480P so that makes ID5, and Hummer the only 2 that forced HD and Outrun supports SD but only in widescreen.

I believe there is a 480p variant of ID5 (designed for upgrade cabs) their might be one for Hummer as well, they're just not on the Lindbergh multi.

If you want Outrun2 in 4:3 you should really be playing on a Chihiro as that's where the SD variant of that game was released.

EDIT: it's worth noting that I tested all of these games using the USA region, so maybe that changes the supported output resolutions of some games? I don't know.