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Hi guys
I just got a working War Gods pcb but no hard drive
I know this is a little old but what is the best way to get a hard drive image from mame onto a CF card. I tried a CF card and wrote the img file to it but it will not boot with it

Appreciate some guidance
Thank you for the guide - I was able to set the HPA on a SSD I had laying around and write the war gods chd to it
Now I just need the ribbon cable I ordered to test it out
Do any of the tools in the guide allow you to change the model or serial number of the SSD drives?
Take note of the correct orientation for the cable. The key is backwards compared to some flash modules i have used. Very confusing.
Tried the SSD but still no luck

It says disk is ok but then I get this error

Error loading start.out
Error code: 1
File system init error.
Cannot continue
All I can say is those steps worked for me. Are you sure the device supports that SETMAX command? Did it save OK? I would think a new SSD would be ok but I’m out of other ideas. I guess just double check your settings and try writing the chd again.
I did a diskpart clean on the drive before I did the SETMAX on it
Can u tell me if that is what u did?

Also, which CHD did you use?
I tried with this one ---- wargods_10-09-1996.chd

This the command I used:

chdman extracthd -i wargods_10-09-1996.chd -o \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE1 -f


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I have wargods_11-07-1996.chd, that one is old so if you used the newer chdman that might be the problem. I am not sure if they repacked these files but it’s worth a shot.

the dispart clean step shouldn’t matter, I don’t think. Most important was SETMAX and just having it save that setting. Does the drive report the correct size after the SETMAX process? Really I think you’re probably doing that part OK, I don’t recall that error happening with an improperly built disc.

I also think the chd command Is right.
Got a war gods CF from @SummittArcade - great guy

Now can someone please tell me how to disable all of the diagnostics every time I turn on this game
I hope there is a way
if you mean the drawing of a pcb where the chips turn green one by one - you cant, all williams/midway games do it.
if it's checking the drive then it is probably an option.
Looks like I can hit P2 start to skip it, then it does hard drive check and game starts
That will do