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Staff member
Jul 21, 2015
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I'm looking for a cheap. NON-WORKING PC Engine/Turbographix CD attachment.

I've heard these things fail regularly yet I also can't seem to find broken ones for sale anywhere. Figured I'd see if anyone has one they're looking to get rid of.
Tougher to find them these days because the repair parts are now finally readily available - caps, gears, and even lasers. I still see them from time to time on ebay, but it's one of those things you just have to watch for.

BTW - thanks for the reminder that I've got to get off my arse and fix my two CD attachments :P
I didn't realize repair parts were available now. searching around I just found lots of people complaining that they weren't.
Going from memory, as this was about 2 years ago for me. Now fact checking myself...

CD Middle Gear 1 2

Turbo Duo Laser 1 2 3

Sorry, I was thinking CD lens, but now that I see these, I think the spare lens was for my Duo-RX.... ISTR purchasing a few old Sony CD Walkman's and a CD-ROM drive or two that had compatible lenses with the CD attachment (and for all I know, the TG16 attachment might even use the same lens - I've yet to tear mine apart and check)
I've got a couple but shipping from the UK probably makes it not cost effective.
I'm looking for a busted IFU briefcase setup as well, in preparation of Deunan's optical drive replacement :) It's possible I might just end up getting a working one from gamedoctorhk though... shipping will be an issue for me anywhere. From UK might not actually be all that bad!
I'm looking for a busted IFU briefcase setup as well, in preparation of Deunan's optical drive replacement :) It's possible I might just end up getting a working one from gamedoctorhk though... shipping will be an issue for me anywhere. From UK might not actually be all that bad!
IFU-30's are cheap enough bought directly from Yahoo Auctions Japan


Just use Buyee or read the "buying stuff from Yahoo Auctions Japan" thread - use sea freight or SAL and shipping shouldn't cost too much.
I'm looking for a busted IFU briefcase setup as well, in preparation of Deunan's optical drive replacement
Has there been any more news on this since his initial post?
Little bits and pieces, but nothing concrete unfortunately. I'd like to know if it will just require the IFU (cheap, and actually the bit with most of the extra hardware in it) or the CD player as well...
The new expensive Japanese CDEMU just plugs into the expansion port of a PCE. Looks like it just requires a system card: https://www.beep-shop.com/blog/8154/

Some discussion of it here: http://www.pcenginefx.com/forums/index.php?topic=22584.msg503781#msg503781

I imagine that an ext port solution like this will always be emulating quite a bit of hardware. I'd much rather have an optical drive replacement for Duos. That seems like it would simplify the design a lot too, since Duos have all of the extra hardware already available.
Deunan has states a few times now that the interface unit would be required.
I believe this is because his device only replaces the optical drive, while still relying on the work RAM and system BIOS.

I got my PC Engine setup with this in mind, steering clear of the Duo and Duo RX models (tho they are superior in every other way).
I wouldn't be surprised if he'll be tackling those once once the CD units are emulated and out the door.

Remember when he did the Saturn he made the early model Rhea emulators first and shipping before he started retooling it for the late model Phoebe units.

the CD units have a high failure rate and they're an earlier revision of the tech which makes them a better starting point.


really I'm only looking for one of these things so that once he releases it I can design a 3D printed tray like I did with the GDEMU and Rhea/Phoebe.
I just bought a working unit off of YAJ. Gonna have it sent with my next batch of arcade stuffz from Japan.
I just bought a working unit off of YAJ. Gonna have it sent with my next batch of arcade stuffz from Japan.
it'll probably still need the middle cog replacing and the worm drive greasing.
Deunan has states a few times now that the interface unit would be required.
I believe this is because his device only replaces the optical drive, while still relying on the work RAM and system BIOS.

I got my PC Engine setup with this in mind, steering clear of the Duo and Duo RX models (tho they are superior in every other way).
IFU, sure, but what about the CD player? That's actually the expensive bit!
According to Deunan, all that is needed is the interface and CD System Hucard (or Turbo Everdrive 2.4 running patched System card image).
I'm planning on selling my CDROM (has a fully replaced and rebuilt laser assembly) once I've got the ODE. ;)