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I put my name down for 4 gundam boltless bananas.. however, I was only able to put my name down for one panel... I'll need 4

also, will we be able to get the op amps or is this something we should build on our own?
I only have 1 cp listed because any more then that it would be faster and cheaper to get it directly from Alberto. If you rather we handle everything I can change it on my end. Currently not offering op amp as I'm not sure I can get all the parts to make them like original. I don't want to be substituting and have people complain.

On the last batch we got 3rd party item at a slight discount which we use to pay the import tax on them. When we sold it, it was more or less the original seller price. If people don't really care and would rather get it all in one place just pm me and ill manually make the change
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Any chance someone here can source the parts for the op amp and make them avail for sale?
Mirko want to send it with your other stuff. He just hasn't got them made yet. If you want it before hand ,let me know
I don't think I was supposed to get other stuff? But maybe I forgot about something that I ordered previously.
I just got around to taking the protective film off my Monkey Ball panel from @alberto1225 and was greeted with a nice matte printed finish, which is very different from his other panels. It feels really nice and is similar to original overlays on original Astro/Blast panels.

@alberto1225 - What is this process, and is this a new finish just for this panel or will you be using this process going forward?

Hey guys,

I’m working with Olly from Arcade Art Shop in the UK to get his newly made Op Amps, he will be selling some bananas in his online store as well. This is a deal we worked out to get amps to fulfill our Batch 2 order.
I need a show of hands who wants an op amp from us so Olly can have more made.
I’m thinking 10-15 amps should do it.

Pricing will be $50 usd

You’re all free to do what you prefer, but just consider combined shipping, if you already getting a banana and harness, will be cheaper to buy the amp from us and so on.
The horse trade between Olly and I will be to get the Amps for batch 2 and give him some banana stock for UK/Europe and to see how it goes.

**Let me know if you have any questions**

Here is the link of op Amps on Olly’s Site.
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Got a question for the gundam stick option. It's showing sold out, the selection still has "sold out 1/2" and "que" is the queue to be on an order and you'll procure/deliver a stick or are we on our own for it?

Also, I've got a Blast City that's on order and looking to put in a Naomi, but not sure what harness I'll need or really what hardware overall I need until I get the cabinet. Since my cabinet is coming in a few months, I'm unsure of any sort of conversion or state of the wiring harness, I'd just assume it's best to not have a harness picked and pick that up later?
Got a question for the gundam stick option. It's showing sold out, the selection still has "sold out 1/2" and "que" is the queue to be on an order and you'll procure/deliver a stick or are we on our own for it?
We have more sticks and yes that will put you in the queue. Everyone who fills out the form is in a queue actually because we’re not taking money yet.
Also, I've got a Blast City that's on order and looking to put in a Naomi, but not sure what harness I'll need or really what hardware overall I need until I get the cabinet. Since my cabinet is coming in a few months, I'm unsure of any sort of conversion or state of the wiring harness, I'd just assume it's best to not have a harness picked and pick that up later?
You will need a JVS harness for your blast city and a Capcom or Sega I/O, once you have this, you would chose the Sega/Capcom harness. It’s the same harness for both the Sega and Capcom I/O, if you’re using an Op amp, then you select: harness for op amp add on.

It will take a few months before batch 2 ships so you have time to sort out you blast city.
Let me know if you need anything else
Alright, thanks. Put in my request.

Just a side question, what is the difference between the Capcom vs Sega I/O? I see that the sega run $100 while the Capcom go for $300+, so is there some other bonus stuff or is the capcom if I was going to run capcom specific boards and just overkill for a Naomi setup?

Alright, thanks. Put in my request.

Just a side question, what is the difference between the Capcom vs Sega I/O? I see that the sega run $100 while the Capcom go for $300+, so is there some other bonus stuff or is the capcom if I was going to run capcom specific boards and just overkill for a Naomi setup?

You only want the Capcom IO if all you want to run a Naomi and carts only. Once you run GDRom and or netboot you need a better psu or the 001 loom if using in a BC. To play monkey ball you will need the latter anyway.
I mean. If you WANT, I can make blast adapters for the analog stuff
If you are talking about the 26 pin RA connector I already have that cover. I don't think BC had analog port like in the NNC/Universal.