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Hi, Sheep_nova please let me know if you still have it for sale. I am interested.
Can anyone confirm if this board outputs very high brightness and RGB levels? My testing of this board rendered the following results:

Tested on an Impress cab running at 15k, very high brightness. Tried to bring down the brightness on the controller board and the brightness did not respond to tweaks. The screen stayed very bright. The controller boards brightness potentiometer works with all other boards.​
Tested on a big red cab running at 15k, same results.​
Tested on a Pana Long SG connected to a Retrotink 5x, using SCART, bluish tinted picture on screen. You could hear sound on all of the scenarios mentioned so far.​
I last tested on a Sigma SG, connected to an XRGB Mini using SCART. Picture comes out beautiful.​

Can anyone share any thoughts? All dip switches were turned off with the exception of the 4th dip switch.

Thank you,