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May 31, 2016
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Hey gang,

I got a Yellow Lindbergh 7.0 multi kit. :thumbsup:
It's a Stock Yellow unit, upgraded ram, 837-13155-92 JVS I/O, Sega Naomi Sound Amp.
So far, I got all games (i'm interested in) up and running ok except for two: VF5:FS and GS. And I'm out of ideas here.

So, how do you get VF5:FS going?
Also, do you get RCA Sound when you run Ghost Squad?
I ask 'cause these are the only games I'm having trouble with.

Any help welcom, as I'd love to try these games out.

Thanks All.

Just use that network configuration on VF5FS, will work, perfect.


For Ghost Squad, audio issue, is a Lindbergh Red Game, don't uses Soundblaster card.

So the audio will be output from the lindbergh motherboard jack conectors, at the Right of the serial port COM1 and COM2 connectors.

Ok, I just changed the DHCP Network settings, and VF5:FS started right up! Game plays perfect. :)

And, I plugged my desktop speakers in to the sound port on the motherboard, and now GHOST SQUAD has sound! Game is pretty impressive, with sound. :)

Thanks android.


Hey, I just noticed: House of the Dead EX (aka Loving Dead) uses motherboard audio sound too. :)
Hey android,

The HOTD-EX picture seems a little off for my displays (on both TVs and monitors).

Like the picture a bit way too BIG for the screen.

Like I can only see the top, left quadrant of the HOTD-EX picture on the screen.

Any way to fix, so I can see the entire picture on the screen?

If it helps: on the Lindy, dips 1-7 are down, and 8 is up.
Good question.

I would love to know the answer to this too, as my buddy was asking about VF5:R and HOTD-SPECIAL just the other day.


Not sure if HOTD-SPECIAL plays any differently than HOTD4, aside from the moving cabinet floor.
For HOD-EX you need to adjust resolution with the Lindbergh Dip Switches, that game is 1280x768 resolution.
Dips 4 & 5 & 8 On and the rest off.

Lindbergh games are not public relesased.
Tested unit with dips 4, 5, and 8 on. And game works great!

Thanks Again android. :)


Also tested unit with dips 4,5, 6, and 8 on. Game looks good too. :)
anyone want to make a chart/sheet that has settings for each game such as dips and what plugs in where such as audio.

I started one but forgot what i did with it and never got back to it.
anyone want to make a chart/sheet that has settings for each game such as dips and what plugs in where such as audio.

I started one but forgot what i did with it and never got back to it.
Here is a cheat sheet that I have been using for my DIP SW setup.

NOTE: Not all games are listed, just the ones I have access to play.


  • Lindbergh DIP SW Settings.pdf
    230.4 KB · Views: 644