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Apr 28, 2020
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Hi all, I found this place via google while looking for some Sega system-E info. (the multi game thread for this platform looks interesting!) I'm a UK collector and am into restoration and tech repairs. I'm mainly into late 70's up to mid 80's games.

I've got a soft spot for Sega and the mid 80's games (Grew up with a Master System), I've owned an Out Run, Enduro Racer, Hang-On and Power Drift arcade over the years now only having the Hang-On.

I've seen a few usernames on here I recognise so hello If I already know you and hello to everyone else.

Here's a couple of photos of my arcades.

See you around, Cheers, Mart.



Oh wow....now that's a beautiful setup....that firetruck!!!!

Gotta ask...the Asteroids....a metal cab? did I miss something? What is this.
Thanks for the welcomes :)
Gotta ask...the Asteroids....a metal cab? did I miss something? What is this.
Yes the Asteroids is a Dino King Conversion it has all original hardware inside, the main cab is all metal with the monitor surround being plastic, cool little cabs, there's been quite a few conversions in the UK, we seemed to have a load of cabs, the original games not great Animal Kaiser is a better take on the the 'pay to play and collect a card at the end' type of game.
I thought it might be a Dino King...but I just wasn't sure.

They make a Vector VGA adapter, that lets you take Tempest, or any other 6100WG vector, and run it on a SVGA monitor. Well...I have a 27" WeiYa that does SVGA and fits in a AWSD cab, and I sincerely thought about setting that up, for a 27" Tempest , and redoing the whole AWSD art package to match it. I thought it would have been cool as hell....and seeing your Asteroids conversion....I'm a bit sad that I never went through with it.

Very nicely done, and again, a beautiful, beautiful collection.