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Grand Master
Dec 18, 2016
Reaction score
Midway, GA USA
To keep from hi-jacking someone else's thread. I figured I would start the thread here. Currently I am putting together and configuring a friends Naomi 2 / Raspberry Pi Net Boot rig.

The object was to put the Naomi 2 on it's own ATX power source and put the Raspberry Pi and Capcom I/O JVS on another.

First I went with a Silverstone SX500-LG ( https://www.newegg.com/Product/Prod...7256116&cm_re=SX500-LG-_-17-256-116-_-Product ) which is a smaller form factor, full modular, very silent 500 watt power supply. I then put together a harness using a ruined Naomi power supply.


I also wired it to where I could turn it off and on using a switch


Here is a very crude diagram of how I managed to wire everything up

Essentially this lets me power the Capcom I/O and Pi on a separate smaller arcade power supply and then the ATX does all the heavy lifting for the Naomi.

Seems to work very well. Soon I will be mailing my friends rig back and work on refining mine to fit the same template now that I got hooked up with a Naomi 1.

I would power the Pi from the Naomi directly, the 4pin connector on the top-right side has 5V more then powerfull enough for a Pi
Saves you a bit of wiring ;)
Normally I would agree, but when you run Atomiswave and a few other games you have to reset the Naomi in order to change the game. This way will let you do that without rebooting the Pi also.

I don't mind the extra or installing the switches. Plus the second PSU is pretty small.
Keep in mind there is 10 thousand ways to reach a common goal. It's all preference, as long as in the end the results are what you are trying to achieve. Sounds corny but true. I am always open to new ideas.
I would power the Pi from the Naomi directly, the 4pin connector on the top-right side has 5V more then powerfull enough for a Pi
Saves you a bit of wiring ;)
I was looking for something like that. I was going to cut up a microUSB cable and snip the data wires out, then connect the ground/5v pins to the CN12 on the naomi. Might start a thread on here though... as mentioned there are a lot of ways to solve the problem but I'd still love to see who has the *cleanest* netboot setup.
I use CN12. I've soldered a USB female to JST, and plug a USB cable into to power the Pi.
It is possible to power the Naomi via a ATX PSU, the Pi via a USB-to-JST cable (from CN12 as mentioned by Gakman) with the proper cables (I order some from Jasen-Customs a while ago) and powering the JVS to JAMMA I/O (838-13683D) and RGB's Supergun via an Arcade PSU?

Is this overkill? Would I be putting my hardware at risk? (Sorry for the n00b question!)
I use Naomi in real cabinet, so I don't need this setup. For PC PSU, just use ATX plug to power Naomi and molex or SATA plugs to power Pi and I/O (with adaptors).