What's new
Currently, as the cart is now, it only saves dumps and restores dumps of the NVRAM from the system memory. This data includes high scores and settings among some other things. However, this likely won't be the only form of saving in the game.
Hopefully this can be improved. Something like...after writing the game to the cart, check if a save for scores/softdips/anything exists. If so, load it into the backup RAM. Saving backup RAM to the cart may be the tricky part for doing it automatically, because AFAIK, cooperation with the BIOS would be required. Or maybe dumping the memory every X seconds, just in case you forget to manually save it to cart?
Throwing out ideas is nice, but doesn't mean we'll implement them.
I be this sums up your life :D
now I regret waiting so long to say I was gonna pre-order :/

whats the price again? I just need MVS now though, got rid of my AES systems.
OMG, pleeeease, remove that music, and all menu transitions to make it faster!, anyway my reserve is still in place :P
Nah, you cannot beat a bit of old skool Axel Foley. Please leave that in DS:)
OMG, pleeeease, remove that music, and all menu transitions to make it faster!, anyway my reserve is still in place :P
Nah, you cannot beat a bit of old skool Axel Foley. Please leave that in DS:)
I'd say leave it with option to turn it off. But if it can't get synced perfectly, then not even an option to turn it on :D
I got burnt out on it just watching the video.
There are lots of other songs. Maybe we just need to ad a randomizer. :)