How do people feel about the COIN button on a Mega Drive controller? Not having a spare button such as SELECT, like Snes pads, means there's no free button available for it. At this stage I've made COIN available via a combo, START plus A. Forward thinking makes me think this may interfere with future features I may implement or it may interfere with Neo Geo multi carts that use a long press of START to return to the menu.
I can map COIN to the mode button but then this means 3 button Mega Drive pads won't have access to it. Then again, most people would predominantly be using 6 button controllers anyhow wouldn't they?
What do I do? Maybe implement both ways to use COIN. The combo method shouldn't interfere with 161in1 carts as it is only a brief press of start that is required, but if one were to hold start down and press A multiple times to pump in credits it may inadvertently trigger a menu reset.