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Apr 6, 2019
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Hi everyone,

I recently purchased a Sega Vs City cabinet with all the JAMMA internals and PSU intact (minus the CRT monitors). This is my first cab and I'm looking to make it compatible with 6-button CPS2 games (SFZ2/3 and Xmen vs SF), although I'm unsure how to get there even after reading up on forums/Google and the "CPS2 NOOB" forum post (CPS2 NOOB) on this site. I have a few questions regarding the JAMMA cab setup, switching between carts, and the video output options:

1. I've purchased a Pandora 6 which I've installed in the cab, and once I get a CPS2 board, I would like to be able to switch between the Pandora 6 and the CPS2 board without having to unplug the JAMMA connector. I was thinking about purchasing one of these JAMMA switch boards to facilitate the switching between the Pandora and future CPS2 carts: https://www.highscoresaves.com/a-highscoresave-exclusive-jamma-2-game-switcher-type-2.html or https://www.highscoresaves.com/jamma-4-in-1-selector.html or https://riddledtv.com/arcade/jamma_switchers.html. Are these JAMMA switchers any good, or are there better ways to switch between the Pandora and CPS2 carts?

2. When I purchased the cab, only 4 buttons for each player were connected/installed. I've since replaced all the joysticks and buttons, and also added in the additional buttons for each players side (totalling 6). After I added in the new buttons, I noticed there was no wire connection available from the original wiring loom under the button console to connect buttons 5 & 6. Do I need to purchase a kick harness to enable these buttons ( https://www.ebay.com/itm/293015773122 or http://arcadeforge.net/Supergun-MAK-Strike/Jamma-Adapter-CPS2-Kickharness::88.html?language=en ), or can I modify the existing loom to enable the 5 & 6 buttons for each player? What's a good kick harness to get if I need it? I noticed that the original loom coming out of the cab frame has 3x ports free/unused on the plastic connector - could these be for the 5 & 6 buttons?

3. Currently I have a old VGA LCD screen connected directly to the Pandora 6, and can verify that the VGA video output and 4 buttons work for each player. In the future, I'm looking to mount 2x 24" monitors (one on each side) by hopefully using a HDMI splitter. I've read that there is a JAMMA to HDMI output solution available (
) - has anyone used these or can recommend any, or should I go down the OSSC route? I've read that the HAS ( Home Arcade System - new supergun sets ) is also a good option for HDMI output, although I would like to use the existing cab joysticks and buttons for each of the carts, and not sure if the HAS allows that. Would the HAS allow me to switch between the Pandora and CPS2 cart, and still use the same joystick/button and video output monitors? What about a UD-CPS2 kit?

My apologies if some of the above doesn't make a whole lot of sense, I'm trying to make sense of all the new arcade jargon and how things fit together. Any assistance is appreciated!

Thanks! :)