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Fair enough :) I like "fixed" stuff :)

It's just disheartening sometimes when I see you guys argue. I have seen people with great amounts of talent get mad and just keep to themselves or leave the scene all together. half the time it was over a small argument or difference of opinions hat got out of hand.

One thing I have learned from being a project manager is.. there is always more than one way to do something, your way might get things done but it may not be the best way (or it might), keep an open mind and try to find a middle ground.
I concur that everything one needs or wants to know about NAOMI as a system is concisely documented in the MAME source code. It is the most literal technical explanation anyone could ask for. Sure it's not some blog post with pictures and paragraphs of communication, it is the algorithms and data that implement the system. Want to know how roms are laid out in memory and how to decrypt the data, it is all in the source code. Mame cannot load games without that information. Heck, you can load a rom in mame, then dump the memory to file instead of using operating system/command line tools to merge. The person who kept asking some of these questions seemed to think our suggestions to check out the source code was some kind of sarcasm; but it really is not.

That being said I am always happy to give answers when members here ask questions. If you do your homework and come with some knowledge in your question, even better :)
But .. but .. i like pictures

ignore that, @werejag talking bullshit, as usual.
including statement "we need guiltygear x ic22 dumped properly the one from mame is bad"
I agree with you that the statements of @werejag are incorrect and he's not properly documented, but please no personal attacks.
so let me get this straight people complain about the drama metallic brings in to this topic and they get banned and all he gets is "but please no personal attacks."

i didnt want to add to the drama as you know i came to you privately. please have even hand
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so let me get this straight people complain about the drama metallic brings in to this topic and they get banned and all he gets is "but please no personal attacks."

i didnt want to add to the drama as you know i came to you privately. please have even hand
No problem, dude.
so let me get this straight people complain about the drama metallic brings in to this topic and they get banned and all he gets is "but please no personal attacks."
its not the drama, or not personal attacks, but attempts to prevent of spreading of incorrect information (i.e. all kinds of bullshit), which is cancer of modern internet - one person post some wrong information, then another person quote it and post links to it, later more persons quote/link that information, so it becomes ultimate truth because "it's written everywhere".

perhaps is is good idea to keep this forum away of such things ?

it is also happened to happen you posted such information 3x times as I've noticed, and in 2 cases it was " *.* in MAME is bad", while in reality it is not. which looks a bit like personal attacks maybe ? ;)
I know Finisterre is a great engineer, who has been around a long time outside the arcade community. I was happy to see him join here. Many great talents are among us in the arcade scene and otherwise here.

Just because something was done once and/or is documented in mame is a moot point to me. It takes many years of skill and hobby ability to get to the point where reading MAME source is even applicable to learning very much in practice. I like these forums for discussion of information and technique, even if someone has accomplished the task before.

To be honest I'm kind of taken back by a lot here, and I hope we can remember we all just love video games... and maybe hacking them a little bit :)
I agree but I understand the reluctance of some of these people in wanting to explain things in detail. I also understand those same people getting angry when others post incorrect information which can be damaging

Unfortunately you can't have it both ways. You can tell someone they're spreading incorrect information but telling them that then saying "go read the MAME driver" is counter productive.

The reason they're spreading incorrect information in the first place is they have learned that incorrect information (probably from the MAME driver) and interpreted it incorrectly because no one has corrected them.

This is where drama starts, and both sides are in the wrong as far as I'm concerned. This is the way I see things:

- If you don't know something for certain, post your information and make sure you let people know this is to the best of your ability. Don't be insulted/fire back when someone corrects you

- If you do know someone is wrong, telling them off and saying "go read the MAME driver" isn't helpful. Try to explain why they're wrong and help the mistake get corrected.

- Getting frustrated that no one will give you the answer or frustrated that someone doesn't understand something you do, doesn't help anyone.

- Insulting someone for telling you you're wrong doesn't help anyone.

- Remember in a lot of cases there is a language or culture barrier. You might think someone is being rude, when actually they're not a native English speaker.

Above all, we are all good at different things and a lot of us are here to learn. I have learned a huge amount here and hope to continue learning more.

If you don’t want to stick to the rules, you should be moderated, suspended or banned. And it shouldn’t matter who you are or how important you are to the community. Toxic culture isn’t limited to certain users.
The fact is, intelligent people generally have strong personalities. Often similar goals, but very different ways of thinking. Call it egotism (and this isn't a criticism, btw).

So, let's just get along please. I dislike the spreading of misinformation as much as I dislike personal attacks. Both are negative behaviour, but the personal attacks are worse because that's conscious behaviour. When people are wrong, it's because they don't know otherwise.

So if something not right let's not just "call bullshit". Be grown-ups and discuss with the individual why you think they're wrong. One of you may change your mind. There's no shame in being mistaken. It's how we learn.

Collaboration means everyone wins. Ostracisation means everyone loses. Let's go with the former!
I've known he was talented and I've defended him, including behind the scenes to other people turned off by the 'wall-of-text' posts, but there isn't much I can do if you attack other mods or even the owner of the site.

He was given a three day cool-down suspension which became a perma-ban when he decided to attack the site, Darksoft, and other members on Twitter. Once that happened there was zero I could do. No way to fix that relationship, at least in the near future. He 100% believes he was totally wronged but of course it's never that cut and dry. Unfortunately a blow-up like this was months in the making.

I know there are others that have felt like they have been picked on here. Moderating is not always easy. You dont want to run off talented people but also want normal members trying to learn to always feel comfortable.

As an example, and I wont mention any names (though many of you will remember), when the site was new we had a very talented guy join. We even offered a spot as a mod to him. Unfortunately he was too abrasive to fairly moderate and we made the difficult decision to remove him as a mod even though it also meant losing his talents.

There are very few people in the arcade scene that move the needle. There is a lot of politics that happens behind the scenes. Darksoft has negotiated the release of a lot of info since we started this site. A lot of info that was kept close to the vest by talented people. I fully understand finnestere's frustration with what he sees as the lack of openness some have with information. But lashing out is not the way to get that info. You attract more flies with honey than with vinegar.

We will continue to do what we do behind the scenes to learn new things. Some info cant be released publicly for various reasons but sooner or later it all will be. I accepted long ago, with the way the whole Neo-Geo.com debacle happened, that we cant make everyone happy. Though I will always try. To a point. Defending myself doesn't change many minds so I will do that to a point also.

When it comes to this situation, that point is now.

To those people who think we dont try to be fair, we do. We really do try. But unpopular decisions must be made sometimes. And feelings will inevitably get hurt.

We are moving on and I suggest everyone else does as well. This is not productive.
To add, I believe bans should generally be reserved for instances where individuals intentionally cause trouble, e.g. spamming, trolling or other malicious or abusive behaviour. Not because people have disagreements about something.

When a disagreement turns abusive and attacks are made on other forums, or on social media, then a ban does indeed become more likely.

As moderators, I believe we are certainly not beyond criticism. If anyone disagrees with our actions in moderating the forum, express it politely, and we'll re-evaluate those actions based on consensus. However, attacking any mod on pretty much any civilised forum on the Internet will probably get the offender banned. This forum is certainly no different.
Mitsu... With all due respect I'm not sure why you feel the need to defend anyone, finnisterre included. People's actions and posts can speak for themselves just fine IMHO. Who asked your defense?

I'll say it again, for a no drama forum you guys really have been abrasive to finisterre. This is my view as an unbiased member of both the arcade and IT communities.