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damn, thats very nice to give stuff like that :)
too bad im out of the country ...and also very late XD
damn, thats very nice to give stuff like that :)
too bad im out of the country ...and also very late XD
Ill send ya stuff, send me cases :D
You do have sega 16 pcb that might interest me :3 huhu (well, if you find it)we can surely work something out later ^^
Damn It I knew I forgot something, I have 2 spare Sys16 games :D
Haha, well i was waiting patiently for your reply. Ive sent you a pm
OK, I don't get it, so I AM missing the joke/point! :)

Spare S16 boards are awesome, good for the multi, also good to attempt to convert to Fantasy Zone 2 DX!
You're a good man, great work. Also nice to see those cutes moving!
Thanks man, I know you wanted to get one, but it was just not the right time for me when talked about it. Too much stuff going on irl then, super stressful.Man I wish AP members could all get together like some type of convention, in vegas, so many great people on here I would love to meet :thumbsup:
All good, very glad things have settled for you. Sounded stressful at the time!

I was lucky to end up finding and getting one cheaper from Mexico. The monitor scrolls vertically for 3 mins whenever I turn it on and it's been off for a bit but then locks in and works for hours. Has been great, will have to get something else from you sometime in the future! Happy with her


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Awesome man, I was looking to get one those but didnt work out, glad you got one :thumbup:
Holy crap! How did I not know this was a thing! Great now I need a mini Cute.
I don't have a game for it. Got my netdimm, capcom I/O, etc

Ordered my PIC to program a zero key and hoping to netboot soon. The adafruit LCD is out of stock too :(