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Nov 9, 2019
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I'm sure I could make one myself but wanted to check if anyone has the part left from a scrapped NAC.

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Thanks, he surely have some but wanted to check around first before contacting him.
I bought one from Yaton, took about 3-4 weeks to arrive and cost $60 USD shipped.

Annoyingly no screws were included even though I asked for some and assumed were part of the price, so have to track those down seperately.

Worth mentioning you need screws if you order to save the hassle of sourcing elsewhere.
I've been in correspondence with him. I think it's a hefty price for a standalone metal piece of bracket but you won't find an original ort without scrapped cabs.

I mentioned I wanted the screws too but no acknowledgement on that from his side.
fyi- the price isn't bad. The cost of the metal might be 5-10. Metal work can be 80/hour in the cheaper spots. For an original part from a cab, it's probably worth it!
NAC of AC? If AC is there any chance you could put me in contact with that guy or ask if he has the speaker grills?
He has everything, they basically buy in bulk and sell whole or parts, just send them a message!

It's a NAC. He sells the shell on an auction site and the insides he sells separate.
Ah yeah I bought some locks and tangs from Yaton like 6 months ago... they got lost in the mail and showed up like two weeks back. He did have the grills but did not want to part out the full top section, I only needed the left one. So it would have jacked up the price quite a bit not only for the part but also for the shipping.

He did give me some fair prices on the tangs and the 5380 locks though! unfortunately he only had one 5575 :P

I think he charged me like 5 bucks per tang and 5 bucks per lock