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Sep 22, 2021
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Denver, Colorado
Hi, so my CPS3 has been displaying at (I believe) the wrong aspect ratio. Its not filling my entire CRT like my CPS2 is, instead I just get some small black bars with the game on the inside. I've attached pictures to show what it looks like.

This has been going on the entire time ive owned the CPS3, i just never bothered to look too much into it until now. I'm using a supergun to connect to a CRT over a component connection. I don't have a dedicated cabinet to test in unfortunately.

I know its not the supergun, the TV, or the game. I've tried 4/6 of the games, all do the same thing. This also happened pre-darksoft mod too. My analog capture card seems to do the same thing and display with those black bars on the sides, and my CPS2 correctly fills the entire 4:3 aspect ratio on both the CRT and Capture card.

Anyways, this is something I can live with if it's unfixable, but I was curious if anyone on here has experienced something similar or would have any ideas on something I could try to fix it. Y'all are also way more knowledgeable on electronics than me lol.

Any help would be greatly appreciated (:


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I always just adjusted the H width on my cabinet. Obviously not a super easy option on consumer TVs. All jamma boards vary, for example the F3 everything is picky about seems to be H shifted a good inch on a 29" tube.

With PVMs I had the service menus memorized to change H/V size. You can do the same on some consumer TVs.
Yep - every system is going to be a little different - so you may have to adjust vertical and horizontal width. I have a cabinet at work that I put different boards in all the time, and I always have to adjust the geometry of the screen with a new board.

What model is the TV? You can most likely stretch it out with the service menu.

Seconding this. You've got a newer consumer Trinitron considering its a flat; those are pretty well documented as far as preserving service manuals go, so if you've got the remote you can probably pull up the factory adjustment OSD. Try to find an exact model number on the back shell, google that with "xyzmodelnumber service manual" and see what you can find.
That all makes sense and I figured it was something along those lines. Unfortunately I don't know the exact model of the TV, its a 32" Trinitron from 2001? Its one of the flatscreen ones I think, but I don't know the exact model.

I'm not too sure if its worthwhile to mess in the service menu a whole lot, I've been using my CPS2 and my home consoles a lot and its at just the right settings for those, there's some minor geometry issues in the corner but other than that its been perfect and I dunno if I want to mess with it every time I switch between the cps3 and the others, its my only CRT right now.

I was more hoping for something PCB side but its really nbd and I can definitely live with it as is
Unfortunately I don't know the exact model of the TV
Try to find an exact model number on the back shell, google that with "xyzmodelnumber service manual" and see what you can find.

but anyways:

I dunno if I want to mess with it every time I switch between the cps3 and the others, its my only CRT right now.

I was more hoping for something PCB side but its really nbd and I can definitely live with it as is

Yeah, pretty much. Such is the life of a supergun user; we've all been there. Nice thing about moving up to just using cabs is the easily accessible monitor adjustments, but with a gun you just gotta make some concessions sometimes. It happens.
I would just try adjusting horizontal width.

If you decide to touch any other settings, and I mean any at all, write the original value down. You can very easily go down a rabbit hole chasing perfect geometry in one spot and realize the rest now looks terrible.
Yes CPS3 is much more narrow than CPS2, and always needed a stretch on my cabs. Nothing wrong with your board or supergun.
I’ve begun to document all my consoles and arcade boards optimal service menu screen settings on a sheet of paper. I have a JVC D series CRT. You’d be surprised how different it is going from say rgb modded pc engine duo r to Super Nintendo. Cps3 in particular requires A LOT of adjusting and is probably the biggest deviation in my collection.
I'm honestly glad to hear all of this lol, I've thought my CPS3 might have a problem for quite a while but im glad to hear its a pretty common thing.

Thanks for the help/suggestions, I'll take a look behind the TV to get the model number when I have someone to help me move it a bit since the thing is so heavy and its right up against the wall right now. After that I should hopefully be able to find some information on the service menu. I'll try to see what I can manage to do to fix the screen then until I get a proper cabinet for it.
I'm honestly glad to hear all of this lol, I've thought my CPS3 might have a problem for quite a while but im glad to hear its a pretty common thing.

Thanks for the help/suggestions, I'll take a look behind the TV to get the model number when I have someone to help me move it a bit since the thing is so heavy and its right up against the wall right now. After that I should hopefully be able to find some information on the service menu. I'll try to see what I can manage to do to fix the screen then until I get a proper cabinet for it.
Just write down the default settings first or take lots of pics with your phone before you make adjustments so you can refer back to them.