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Jul 21, 2015
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Houston, TX
So there's been LOTS of talk over the years about how to revive your existing panels...assuming you have them to begin with. So there are solutions for that assuming you have all the right PCBs.

There's also been talk of LED replacements, some of which people have built for themselves but never opened up to selling to the masses, and others have started projects and then got to a point where they just disappeared or whatever and decide not to continue the project. If anyone has completed a full run of anything like this, I must have missed it.

So to the point - I'd love to see someone complete such a project. I'd be fine with a full LED replacement or even just repros of the MV-ELD and MV-ELA boards. I only need the MV-ELD boards ("close enough" EL-panels can be purchased elsewhere), but I imagine there are those out there that don't have any of it and would benefit from a complete setup.
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LEDs sound great by getting a smooth even distribution of light is problematic. Not to mention soldering a huge array of LEDs is a pain in the ass.

I'm just spitballing here but....

They make glass that is opaque normally but becomes clear when you apply a charge... no idea how much it costs or where to get it. I think it's called Electrotransparent Glass, or something like that. I think they also make a tint-film that you can apply to any glass to achieve the same effect. with the tint you could even use 1 piece of glass then just 4 seconds of tint material.

If you could use something like that behind each marquee you could illuminate all of them with a normal florescent lamp then just turn on an off the see-through panels.
I once replaced the old EL-foils in my MVS with new ones of the same size. These EL-things are still available and affordable.
The result was really awesome.

I replaced my panels on my 6-slot years ago and even made a tutorial that I posted on the Neo forums. I even set up packages to sell with a guy that owned a lighting company but he went out of business shortly after that. The EL panels can be bought but they can be a bit pricey and not usually the the right size.

As has been said several people started this project with several different ideas of how to do it. Some even got to prototype stage and had working protos being tested and then they just disappeared. Some after taking preorders and donations.

Lighting the entire marquee at the same time definitely takes away from the unique experience that MVS systems had by lighting only the game playing at the time. I'd have it no other way.
I *really* want to fix mine, but like Mitsu said... pricey. 20 bucks a pop for "Almost the right size" EL panels, plus then I don't know if the inverter's bad or not (and how to fix/replace it if it is)... I'd be much happier dropping $100 if I knew it was gonna work, you know?

But yeah, fixing this up is next on my list for my big red.
The right size (in european territories) is called DinA6 or just A6.


I can highly recommend talking to Stefan from Backlight4You. I got in touch with him last year and helped to develop the f***ing BEST Game Boy Backlight in the world.
He also sells EL-stuff. If you manage to organize a group-order I'm pretty sure you will get a decent discount.

Email is sales@backlight4you.com
A6 is a drop-in replacement? That's awesome, I had only heard about the "Almost the right size" A5 ones that required either cutting down or taping off part of it. Might have to look into that. I'm not EU based but it might still make sense.
Bumping this because I was thinking about it again recently. Also it's that time of year if anyone wants to send me some MV-ELB boards for Christmas :D
that reminds me that I have to actually start doing it. I'm just a bit (a lot) lazy.
So I figured I'd take a stab at setting something up using an Arduino and part of the code here. I'm new to all this, so of course it doesn't work for me, lol. Probably something stupid I'm doing wrong but hopefully I'll get there. I'm wondering if my Neo isn't sending signals from the board properly but I'm not sure how to even trouble shoot that since I don't have the original hardware to test with (the MV-ELB or MV-ELD or whatever it is).
Can anyone snap a pic on how the EL panels and the MV-ELA are placed. Want to get started on upgrading my neo cab. Another thing is I have different MV-ELAs, is the one with the yellow wire suppose to look like that?


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I'll try to remember to do this tonight. I finally caved and ordered the boards, el panels, and some connectors to make the harness on the far right of your pic.
Finally replaced my panels last week, it's pretty awesome seeing them light up for the first time.

Of course now I feel more invested in getting mini marquees...
Finally replaced my panels last week, it's pretty awesome seeing them light up for the first time.

Of course now I feel more invested in getting mini marquees...
There's a few places that do some really nice reproduction mini marquees, a lot of the originals are very faded or yellowed :( the reproductions can still be printed on materials that allow the light to pass through and look like the originals :)

Happy to take photos of some of mine if you wanted to see them.
The whole set up on the red 4 slot would be nice if anyone has it. Mine didn't have them so I also need to know where they were routed and where they connect.
The whole set up on the red 4 slot would be nice if anyone has it. Mine didn't have them so I also need to know where they were routed and where they connect.
There's not much to it. There's a harness that goes from the motherboard to the MV-ELA (bottom of my first pic and far right of the second), then a another harness that goes from that to the back of one of the MV-ELD boards (top of the first pic, runs off the left of the second). Then another MV-ELD board connects by way of another small harness (top left of the first pic, bottom center of second). I assume the 6 slot is the same just with a third MV-ELD board, but someone with one would have to confirm (maybe the MV-ELC is actually a three panel board?).

The MV-ELA board is typically mounted on the back of the board behind the marquee, and the panels are mounted on the front. There are openings at the top for all the wires and connectors to fit.

I've got literally hundreds of the 15 pin connectors and pins if you need them to build the small harness (looks like you have the main one). If you need any other specifics, let me know. This is all laid out in the manual as well, but pics definitely help.

Back of marquee board showing the MV-ELA, harnesses, and connections to the MV-ELD boards:

Front of MV-ELD with EL panels off:

Marquee back in place and showing game 2 panel on:

Tons of JST 15 pin connectors and pins....


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Cool, next question is for the panels themselves. Which site would you recommend buying from? I know glowhut has them, but what other places have them?
I found several and when I started looking (mainly looked at glowhut, bingirl, elwirecraft) but ultimately went with these (A6, no driver). They sell them on eBay as well as their site. I picked these primarily due to price per panel + the location of the connections + the fact that they sold ones that light up white but are pink while off (which is how the stock ones were). In retrospect, the ones that glowhut sells which have connectors on all four sides might actually be better/easier to install. However, those tend to run several more bucks per unit.

If you do get the ones I linked, be careful taking the heat shrink off or trimming it down - don't pull too hard of the wire...I broke one of mine and had to cut into it some and solder new wires. Not a big deal, but would have been less trouble had I not done that obviously.

Even though the ones I got were coming from the UK, they were still cheaper when all was said and done and showed up within a week or so. Still, the total after shipping was $87.61...still a lot to pay. But I'm really glad to finally have them installed.
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Finally replaced my panels last week, it's pretty awesome seeing them light up for the first time.

Of course now I feel more invested in getting mini marquees...
There's a few places that do some really nice reproduction mini marquees, a lot of the originals are very faded or yellowed :( the reproductions can still be printed on materials that allow the light to pass through and look like the originals :)

Happy to take photos of some of mine if you wanted to see them.
Happily taking suggestions for repro sites. Cheapest I've found is a guy on eBay that does 4 for "24" (+12 shipping) which is okay, but... 86 games and probably not more than 10 mini marquees currently so yeah :)

But yes, if you know a good quality site let me know and I'll go slow lol
Happily taking suggestions for repro sites. Cheapest I've found is a guy on eBay that does 4 for "24" (+12 shipping) which is okay, but... 86 games and probably not more than 10 mini marquees currently so yeah :)
But yes, if you know a good quality site let me know and I'll go slow lol
$6 each is actually pretty good for 4... I paid a bit less but also got the second versions for games that had different versions of the mini marquees, got maybe 45 in total

The postage is kinda steep, but I'd try contacting the seller to see if they're happy to do a discount for a bulk purchase, maybe do half now and half later if you're talking about 70+

Also worth contacting local print shops to see how much they would charge, it would mean you'd have to find and supply scans though.

I got mine from a local arcade reproduction supplier (Noodleshirt) who also does reproduction MVS boxes and labels, very happy with the product if you were in Australia he'd be the one I'd recommend
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