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Jun 22, 2015
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USA - North Dakota
I am using a Naomi 2 with Net dimm bios firmware version 4.02 and a raspberry pi running piforce 1.4. My situation is the same as loscanones - the setup will run any game as such from a hard reset and the "problem" appears when trying to send to another game while the setup is still on or while playing a game. I don't believe it is a raspberry pi issue either; but a general net booting issue with certain games. Certain Naomi games such as Borderdown, for example, will load fine, but if you attempt to change the game and load another game - doesn't matter which one, it will simply stay at "sending..." and it will not load any other game without a hard reset of the cabinet. Once you power down and back up again the entire cabinet - it will load another game fine. The games themselves run fine - it is just the idea of changing to another game through net booting with certain titles doesn't work. Not sure how many, but a few Noami titles and most of the AW titles from what I can tell. I also use the games from the link listed above by loscanones. It may not be a small or easy issue and it is perhaps only for those that net boot games - but any information on how to work around it would be great. I am not at my machine at the moment, but could get mores specific information on it later. I don't think it is a new issue and it has been discussed at some level previously on these forums by other users as well. Perhaps a common list of games that have the issue could be formed as well. The only think I noticed was with the Naomi games that hang on "sending" when attempting to change - going to the test menu allows the Naomi to "reboot" and this seems enough to get the net boot signal through and the game will start to change after you exit the test menu. Hopefully we can keep this discussion going and something could be found (a script or otherwise) to allow the games to change without the hard reset.
What do you think about 21576H- Japan Universal? I can order one, but not sure this is the best version....
yes,,using latest bios can correct your problem but I'm not sure. It's preferable to have latest version as well
Everything I've done and tested has been using the latest Japanese BIOS which is epr-21576h.ic27
Perhaps a common list of games that have the issue could be formed as well. The only think I noticed was with the Naomi games that hang on "sending" when attempting to change - going to the test menu allows the Naomi to "reboot" and this seems enough to get the net boot signal through and the game will start to change after you exit the test menu.
I would assume with this information that the problem is coming for the game itself. It must be somehow allowing for loading a new game (interrupts? )
Perhaps a common list of games that have the issue could be formed as well. The only think I noticed was with the Naomi games that hang on "sending" when attempting to change - going to the test menu allows the Naomi to "reboot" and this seems enough to get the net boot signal through and the game will start to change after you exit the test menu.
I would assume with this information that the problem is coming for the game itself. It must be somehow allowing for loading a new game (interrupts? )
for me, it'd clear that it came from most gdrom games put into netboot.
But after played all those games, I haven't that issue.

So maybe bios related or hardware issue ?(
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If you are from France, I can burn it for free if you paid shipping
I`m not from France, but thanks for offer.
I will order one, or, if you have one already programmed you can send it to me via express delivery. I will pay for everything, no problem for that.
Just let me know if it`s possible.
I would assume with this information that the problem is coming for the game itself. It must be somehow allowing for loading a new game (interrupts? )
Then how can be explained the fact that some people are claiming to have everything running smooth?
If you are from France, I can burn it for free if you paid shipping
I`m not from France, but thanks for offer.I will order one, or, if you have one already programmed you can send it to me via express delivery. I will pay for everything, no problem for that.
Just let me know if it`s possible.
you got an mp
I would assume with this information that the problem is coming for the game itself. It must be somehow allowing for loading a new game (interrupts? )
Then how can be explained the fact that some people are claiming to have everything running smooth?
latest bios?
I am absolutely no expert, but to net boot it seems the signal has to reset the Naomi and it goes through the process of "now loading" the next game. When you go to the test menu and back again - it actually "reboots" the Naomi to back to the game itself. The games that don't load after the "sending" don't appear to allow the Naomi to reset itself and accept the game. For some Naomi games, the reload from test menu back to the game "opens the door" to accept the net boot and game load.

In regards to the bios - I am assuming we are talking about the bios of the Naomi motherboard and not the Raspberry Pi correct?
If so; how do you change or update the Naomi bios? Is there anyway someone with the latest bios can attempt to change games via net boot and see if it solves the issue? Could this also resolve the issue with the changing of games with the AW games as well? I now there were others with the issue that hoped to resolve it. If it is simply a bios update - that would be great.
how do you change or update the Naomi bios?
I will order the latest version and test it.
As soon as i have it, you will know the results.
The EEprom can be easily removed- it`s socketed- , re-write (if you have the UV eraser and programmer) or replaced.
I have latest Naomi bios and got no problem
Games can be rested by sending a new one or by test mode.
I don't use an raspberry since I don't own one but when doing my friends's ones, it worked like a charm.
I doesn't change anything on atomiswave games like I said before, because those games aren't meant to have netboot feature.
I would assume with this information that the problem is coming for the game itself. It must be somehow allowing for loading a new game (interrupts? )
Then how can be explained the fact that some people are claiming to have everything running smooth?
Just for you to get the idea how sensible interrupts can be, I know that some games were working or not, even on the same exact Naomi depending of if the game was net loaded or cf loaded. The reason is that the number of instructions executed is different in each case and interrupts trigger in the wrong moment. In your case, I think that changing the BIOS should be enough. Look forward to your feedback.
how do you change or update the Naomi bios?
I will order the latest version and test it.As soon as i have it, you will know the results.
The EEprom can be easily removed- it`s socketed- , re-write (if you have the UV eraser and programmer) or replaced.
Thanks! Anxious to hear the results. Glad to hear it is a bios issue and likely easily resolved. If Darksoft or someone else would be willing to take a look at the net booting feature of the AW games to force a reset with the net boot loading or another game - it would be greatly appreciated! Not that the wish list isn't long enough already I imagine. :)
how do you change or update the Naomi bios?
I will order the latest version and test it.As soon as i have it, you will know the results.The EEprom can be easily removed- it`s socketed- , re-write (if you have the UV eraser and programmer) or replaced.
Thanks! Anxious to hear the results. Glad to hear it is a bios issue and likely easily resolved. If Darksoft or someone else would be willing to take a look at the net booting feature of the AW games to force a reset with the net boot loading or another game - it would be greatly appreciated! Not that the wish list isn't long enough already I imagine. :)
I got the fix,
Switch off your cab :D
Tested "few" games with my present configuration and here are the results for whoever is interested:

Games in red are the ones with "the reset problem". However, the test button trick allow you to load.
Games in green are probably missing special controllers.
Game in brown is not working at all and cannot be reset.

Since i was testing so many games, the percentage of "non reset" games is lower, but still a hassle -for me.

Tested with: Naomi 1,BIOS 21576G, Netdimm 512Mb, FW 4.01,Zero Key from AGS, Raspberry PI 2 + Adafruit 16x2,

  • Akatsuki Blitzkampf Auf Acshe - 2008 - Can reset
  • Alien Front - 2001 - Can reset
  • Azumanga Daioh Puzzle Bobble - 2002- Cannot reset. Test button reset trick is working
  • Border Down - 2003- Cannot reset. Test button reset trick is working
  • Capcom vs SNK Millennium Fight 2000 - 1999 - Can reset
  • Capcom Vs SNK 2 Millionaire 2001 - 2001 - Can reset
  • Chaos Field -2004 - Cannot reset. Test button reset trick is working
  • Confidential Mission - 2001 - Can reset
  • Cosmic Smash - 2001 - Can reset
  • Crazy Taxi - 1999 - Can reset
  • Dead or Alive 2 Millenium - 2000 - Can reset
  • Doki Doki Idol Star Seeker - 2001 - Can reset
  • Dynamite Deka Ex - 2007 - Cannot reset. Test button reset trick is working
  • Giant Gram Zen Nihon Pro Wres 2 - 1999 - Can reset
  • Gigawing 2 - 2000 - Can reset
  • Guilty Gear XX - 2003 - Can reset
  • Gunspike - 2000 - Can reset
  • Ikaruga - 2001 -Cannot reset. Test button reset trick is working
  • Illvelo - 2008 - Cannot reset. Test button reset trick is working
  • Jambo Safari - 1999 - Can reset
  • Jingy Storm - 2006 - Can reset
  • Karous - 2006 - Can reset
  • Kuru Kuru Chameleon - 2006 - Caution 54 Error
  • Lupin 3 The Shooting - 2001 - Can reset
  • Mamoru-kun wa Norowarete Shimatta - 2008 - Caution 54 Error
  • Marvel vs Capcom 2 - 2000 - Can reset
  • Maze of the Kings - 2003 - Can reset
  • Melty Blood Act Cadenza rev A - 2005 - Can reset
  • Melty Blood Act Cadenza rev B - 2006 - Cannot reset. Test button reset trick is working
  • Melty Blood Act Cadenza rev B2 - 2007 - Cannot reset. Test button reset trick is working
  • Melty Blood Actress Again - Patched - 2008 - Cannot reset. Test button reset trick is working
  • Melty Blood Actress Again -No Patch - 2008 - Can reset
  • Mobile Suit Gundam - Fed Vs Zeon DX - 2001 - Caution 51 Error
  • Mobile Suit Gundam - Fed Vs Zeon - 2001 - Caution 51 Error
  • Monkey Ball - 2001 - Can reset
  • Musapeys Choco Marker - 2002 - Can reset
  • Nomiso Kone Kone Puzzle - 2007 - Can reset
  • Powerstone 2 - 2000 - Can reset
  • Project Justice : Rival School 2 - 2000 - Can reset
  • Psyvariar 2 - 2003 - Caution 54 Error
  • Puyo Puyo Da - 1999 - Can reset
  • Radirgy - 2005 - Caution 54 Error
  • Radirgy Noa - 2009 - Black screen. Cannot reset.
  • Sega Strike Fighter - 2000- Caution 54 Error
  • Sega Tetris - 1999 - Can reset
  • Senko No Ronde - 2005 - Cannot reset. Test button reset trick is working
  • Senko No Ronde New Version - 2005 - Cannot reset. Test button reset trick is working
  • Senko No Ronde SP -2006 - Cannot reset. Test button reset trick is working
  • Shikigami No Shiro 2 - 2003 - Caution 54 Error
  • Shooting Love 2007 - 2007 - Caution 54 Error
  • SlashOut - 2000- Can reset
  • Spawn - 1999 - Can reset
  • Spikers Battle - 2001 - Can reset
  • Sports Jam - 2000 - Can reset
  • Street Fighter Zero 3 Upper - 2001 - Can reset
  • Super Shanghai 2005 - 2005 -Cannot reset. Test button reset trick is working
  • Super Shanghai 2005 rev A - 2005 -Cannot reset. Test button reset trick is working
  • Tetris Kiwamemichi - 2004 -Cannot reset. Test button reset trick is working
  • Virtua Tennis 2 - 2001 - Can reset
  • Zero Gunner 2 - 2001 - Can reset
  • Zombie Revenge - 1999- Can reset
It was interesting to know exactly: what BIOS, what I/O board (version), what firmware on Netdimm, what kind of "zero key" chip, what model of Raspberry, which version of triforcetools, how much memory on netdimm card.
837-13551 v1.00 CMD ver 1.1 JVS ver 2.0, 3.17 NetDIMM, I don't know this one at all you'd need to contact Capaneus in regards to the zero key, Model 2 B, whichever version was current in March 2015, 256MBOnly thing I don't know how to check is the BIOS as mine's just a random chip with a blank sticker on it. Is it stated in the settings somewhere?
Upgrade your dimmboard to 4.02 and I'm 99% sure all will be OK.
No no, I have ZERO issues. I'm not updating anything, lol. Don't fix what isn't broken and all that.

Also ran into my first game that won't reset properly: Spawn.

But out of the 10-15 games I have played, I don't really mind if one won't reset automatically, not worth updating and potentially messing things up.
I can second the results of loscanones as I get the exact same results on the same games. I have the 4.02 firmware for the net dimm and 1.4 for the pi force tools. Not sure about the Naomi motherboard bios.
Rewrite - are you saying you can reset the games in RED above without using the test button work around? If so; there must be something with the bios or firmware of the net dimm board that affects each games ability to reset with the net boot.
Interesting - lets keep the discussion going and we may get the bottom of it.