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Apr 4, 2017
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Ontario, Canada
I have a Naomi Universal cab with a Nanao MS-2932. The monitor is pretty decent for the most part (despite being 31khz-only) but I feel like the displayed image is too small for the size of the monitor. Specifically, I feel that it isn't taking up enough real estate, and leaving about an 1" perimeter around the area it is actively displaying the picture un utilized. I am using VGA sources (XBOX 360, Dreamcast) and not sure if this has anything to do with while it does not appear to be filling the entire screen. I have tried adjusting the H-width and V-Width using the remote adjustment controls that plug into the monitor, and they seem to be at max width and height.

Is this normal? I don't have much of a frame of reference. I've attached an image for reference. Please take note of where the displayed image stops, and where the physical plastic bezel on the NAOMI cab begins.


  • ms2931-small.jpg
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If you hold down mode and down button at same time for 5 seconds you will get a extended menu. Although im not sure if any of the extended setting will help you.
Thanks for the reply @ThisGuy

I just realized I entered the wrong monitor model number -- I have an Nanao ms 2932 (31khz only model!)

I don't think I have this feature on mine.
Is this normal?
I ran Dreamcast over VGA on my Net City for a while and did not have any black border, I could also adjust the V/H size to extend past the screen or create a border.

When was the last time a cap-kit was installed on your monitor? a lot of times when the caps are reaching end of life you start to get issues that can't be adjusted out. It's also possible that your adjust pots are going bad, or were replaced once before with incorrect value pots (I've found that the adjustment pots seem to the be the next most common failure on CRTs after the caps).
Thanks for the reply @twistedsymphony

I have only owned this cab for about 18 months, and I have not done anything to the monitor, maintenance-wise. I doubt the previous owner did as well.

Right now the cover is on the back of the CRT, but is it possible that I could adjust the H-width and V-height beyond what the tethered remote controls provide if I adjust these values right on the chassis itself? Or is it simply a matter of both pots doing the same thing?
is it possible that I could adjust the H-width and V-height beyond what the tethered remote controls provide if I adjust these values right on the chassis itself
not likely.
Most chassis has this adjustment on the chassis or on the remote board, very rarely (ever?) are they in both places.
So as it turns out, I was able to remove the cover off the back, and adjust some of the pots (H-size, V-size, H-pos, V-pos) on the chassis in addition to on the tethered remote board, and to greater effect. It strikes me as odd that they would have repeated controls on both, but it worked, so I am not complaining. Just thought I'd post my conclusion/solution in the event that someone else runs in to this issue.

I have a bit of slight discolouration in the top left corner, though. I am not sure if this can be solved via degaussing, but it doesn't look like my monitor has a coil around it that I can see. (It's possible that the screen size was orginally minimized/framed so that this discolouration wouldn't be visible, but who knows?) I may just invest in a degaussing want unless anyone wants to talk me out of it?
I have a bit of slight discolouration in the top left corner, though. I am not sure if this can be solved via degaussing
One of the red buttons inside the control panel should be for degaussing. You'll want to press and hold it for 2-3 seconds.

I'd be astonished if someone actually took the time to remove the degauss loop from your tube. it'd be a lot of work for no benefit.
@twistedsymphony Unfortunately, I’m missing the control panel inside my cab as well!

I’m not exactly sure why, but it’s gone. I will post some photos of my monitor and the wiring I took last night when I had the back removed, so any knowledgeable parties can chime in as to whether it’s there or not. I don’t hear the telltale sound of it firing when I turn my cab on, for what it’s worth.

I’m hoping that in the event the coil is there, wiring up a button is a straight forward (and safe) affair.
I’m hoping that in the event the coil is there, wiring up a button is a straight forward (and safe) affair.
it varies greatly from machine to machine.

Most Sega/Nanao monitor setups I've seen drive the coil through the chassis so the coil plugs into the monitor chassis and then the monitor chassis has a 2 pins on another connector for a button that simply need to be shorted to activate the coil.

Some monitors have an auto-degauss on boot and no button. other cabs manage the degauss completely external to the chassis.

Degauss coils run on AC power so it's not exactly something you want to mess with if you can avoid it, but hopefully you can just source a new button panel and plug it in.

The thing you're looking for is called the "service panel" you might want to get in touch with @videotronicsuk as he seems to have a lot of Net City parts, as does Yaton6262 on eBay.