Recent content by pascalturbo

  1. pascalturbo

    DARKSOFT The Definitive Guide to Fixing Your CPS2 Multi Kit

    Thanks for the support, i send you a PM
  2. pascalturbo

    DARKSOFT The Definitive Guide to Fixing Your CPS2 Multi Kit

    i've tried again the 2 VERIFY Rom but there's blocked at "Veryfying....." after running 15 minutes . The "PROG" led starts full lighting during 30 seconds then blinks 2 times regulary
  3. pascalturbo

    DARKSOFT The Definitive Guide to Fixing Your CPS2 Multi Kit

    The key writting wiring is not done all was ok with the decrypted set only. I have quickly tried the verify romset but the process never ended (it was "calculating" without ending) , i will try again.
  4. pascalturbo

    DARKSOFT The Definitive Guide to Fixing Your CPS2 Multi Kit

    Aldo is great indeed ! I've tested with the former PAL F (with the wire linked to the Darksoft) and the result is the same, not worst or bette : only SSF2x or turbo play. For the moment my ECU programmers doesn't allow me to burn the file that Aldo (thanks!) sent me (miniPRo and K150...
  5. pascalturbo

    DARKSOFT The Definitive Guide to Fixing Your CPS2 Multi Kit

    Thanks for all, i've contacted CPZ ( and will informed you from the resolution or not. Buyicnow seems great also, good adress to know !
  6. pascalturbo

    DARKSOFT The Definitive Guide to Fixing Your CPS2 Multi Kit

    Thanks Darksoft Does somebody have the "rom" for a PAL G, or a place to download it ? I've got a dumper. Or maybe someby can send me one, I'm in France, i've seen some PAL G for 6$ or something, but don't remember who offers that ?
  7. pascalturbo

    DARKSOFT The Definitive Guide to Fixing Your CPS2 Multi Kit

    My edition is not a Champion, it's the last before the champion (bought on 08/2019) . I've tried Alien Vs Predator and Super Puzzle Fighter but they didn't run better than the others. SSF2X and Turbo are OK, HyperFighting is not. The strange thing is that we can hear and play at the games...
  8. pascalturbo

    DARKSOFT The Definitive Guide to Fixing Your CPS2 Multi Kit

    First, thanks for your answer to all ! The pin on the PAL G is not lifted, only the former PAL F was, do i need also for the PAL G ? If i need also for G do i just lift it or with a wire to the darksoft also ? The thing i don't understand is that all was working well before in this configuration.
  9. pascalturbo

    DARKSOFT The Definitive Guide to Fixing Your CPS2 Multi Kit

    The revision is 6 (X-Men VS Street Fighter - SA).
  10. pascalturbo

    DARKSOFT The Definitive Guide to Fixing Your CPS2 Multi Kit

    I've entirely disassembled and reinstalled it with the same result : SF2 is ok but when i load others games i can play on the background but half the sprite are ok... Could the PAL G be corrupted ? I've tried with a modified PAL F but it was not better..
  11. pascalturbo

    DARKSOFT The Definitive Guide to Fixing Your CPS2 Multi Kit

    Thanks for your answer xodaraP. Reseating consists in reload the firmware by the sd port or disasembling the multi kit and reinstalling it on the B Board ?
  12. pascalturbo

    DARKSOFT The Definitive Guide to Fixing Your CPS2 Multi Kit

    Hey everyone ! I've got a weird issue : My cps2 darksoft works fine with Street Fighter 2, 2x but when i load an other game and reboot the board, i can see the new game but with some glitches (pics below). When i reload SF2 it's ok again. The voltage is tested at 12v,5v. I was thinking about...
  13. pascalturbo

    Hi everyone !

    My job is about teaching and giving some "techs" to everyone (old and young). The purpose is to understand what techs we use and why (big subject...) . The network is the libraries of my departement (county ?) (bibliothèque or médiathèque in french). Everything is free for the users. We...
  14. pascalturbo

    CPS2 multi launch SF2 games but not the others...

    Hi everyone, I still have this issue, i've checked the voltage to have a proper 5V, changed the sd card and take the Darksoft Decrypted set from with the same result... To resume, before all was ok,, now (after 6 months playing only SF2) i can play only SF2, the loading of the...
  15. pascalturbo

    Hi everyone !

    Thanks all ! :)