Recent content by thatbshar

  1. thatbshar

    MiSTerAddons MiSTercade - MiSTer for JAMMA cabinets

    Got it. Will dig in later!
  2. thatbshar

    MiSTerAddons MiSTercade - MiSTer for JAMMA cabinets

    It did. Am I able to simply remove the stepdown or are there additional steps?
  3. thatbshar

    MiSTerAddons MiSTercade - MiSTer for JAMMA cabinets

    Amazing, y'all are the best. I'm trying to find out how to switch the 5v/12v jumper but I'll dig in more when I'm home later. I know this is very 101 so I appreciate your patience.
  4. thatbshar

    MiSTerAddons MiSTercade - MiSTer for JAMMA cabinets

    I don't have a PCB on hand and my friends who do are on vacation for the holidays. I've ordered a Pandora's box for personal use that I'll test once it arrives today. As for the ini line, all seems to be correct. Sorry for cam pics, my Mac is mostly offline for uses such as these. If the...
  5. thatbshar

    MiSTerAddons MiSTercade - MiSTer for JAMMA cabinets

    Here's a snap from the coin slot
  6. thatbshar

    MiSTerAddons MiSTercade - MiSTer for JAMMA cabinets

    Please don't apologize, I'm absolutely new to this hobby and I can't stress how much the support means. I did not know you could adjust the voltage. I'll need to look at the psu for a switch. In the meantime, here's a pic before I sign off for the night.
  7. thatbshar

    MiSTerAddons MiSTercade - MiSTer for JAMMA cabinets

    Really do appreciate the help. Entirely possible it's the cab, too. I have a test PCB arriving in tomorrow which should also rule out a few things.
  8. thatbshar

    MiSTerAddons MiSTercade - MiSTer for JAMMA cabinets

    I'll need to check the 12v line tomorrow but I've fiddled with all of the monitor settings without any luck.
  9. thatbshar

    MiSTerAddons MiSTercade - MiSTer for JAMMA cabinets

    Great to know. I'm not getting a full screen of static, its only partially displaying the image on the monitor.
  10. thatbshar

    MiSTerAddons MiSTercade - MiSTer for JAMMA cabinets

    Hey all, I'm a complete noob so I'm hoping someone can help. I recently got a Mistercade to put in my New Astro City. I set up Mister correctly, and followed the quick start guide. It's confirmed working via HDMI and everything appeared to be in order. There is one issue though. When...