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  1. Bonky

    A Freeware Taito TypeX Multigame

    Thanks for the information :)
  2. Bonky

    A Freeware Taito TypeX Multigame

    Gigawing génération have fps slowdown in demo and in games. I continues the tests.
  3. Bonky

    A Freeware Taito TypeX Multigame

    I try this week too ^^ .
  4. Bonky

    Suicide CPS2 Game Board Tester for CPS2 Black

    Salut ^^ Le code PRG pour les black board est dans la simm. Il faudrait modifié le code avec la rom de Razoola et le réinjecter dans la simm. Tu aura besoin d'un cps3 modifié pour accéder aux outils Cps3 et reprogrammer la simm. Les Maskroms sont des 64bits sur les black-board et sont utilisées...
  5. Bonky

    The Definitive Guide to CPS2 Conversions

    The good jumpers
  6. Bonky

    The Definitive Guide to CPS2 Conversions

    Hello, Look the jumpers for sound if it's correct. Is the revision of the b-board same as original D&D ? Please add picture and we help you if possible.
  7. Bonky

    Cps-1: Cadillacs and Dinosaurs + Captain Commando Readjusted Decrypted

    I up them this week-end when i have time
  8. Bonky

    A Freeware Taito TypeX Multigame

    "crt geometry mod" is an old add-on (for scanlines,rotate, and marquee). More recent ...
  9. Bonky

    Vanilla Street Fighter IV 2 Player Mode

    A solution is coming for no dongle key soon ;). Multi is good when play xxx games by day XD. sf4 or ssf4 ? sf4 have not 2p version officially. ssf4 yes with export. Is it possible to dump your hdd of the first sf4 ? Not in mame ;)
  10. Bonky

    A Freeware Taito TypeX Multigame

    Try Nxl version, work with Jconfig if it's for pc. Yoko or tate. If you're using original, i have not see option for that. ^^
  11. Bonky

    Cps1 ep-rom type sf2ce bad graphics

    Hello, The picture come from my personnal Final Burn Neo (that's why name of roms are changed). Download the emulator, select the game and click on "roms info". You can see the good order for your board (Japan=JEDEC USA/ETC=MASK-ROM) CRC can help you ;) Your board normally is "Mask-rom" . In...
  12. Bonky

    Cps1 ep-rom type sf2ce bad graphics

    Look if you have the good order for ep-rom 01 at 13. Exemple for the picture attached : s92-3m_02 . 3m is for Mask-rom board (Usa or Etc board) and 02 is for Jedec board (japan). On your board s92-3m need to be placed on socket 02. Hope this is your problem ;)
  13. Bonky

    Big request for Cps-1 Artset ^^

    Hello, in order to complete my collection, I am looking for artset scans for the following games : 1941 Japan : instruction space Cadillacs & Dinosaurs US/ETC : instruction card A+B, instruction space. Adventure Quiz Capcom World 2 japan : instruction space Carrier Air Wing US/ETC ...
  14. Bonky

    TTX4 and USB IO on Multi Artax

    Yes, Artax can be installed on Alls, but you need to add drivers (LTSC haven't them you need to update).
  15. Bonky

    Type x4 error codes

    Error 03, your hdd have problem Edit: or it's for 07... ^^ Ttx4 hdd don't like hotswap..... lost 2 sf5 after the dump..... Take attention ;)
  16. Bonky

    [Dump] Bios Alls

    Hello, Don't know if i can post that (if not, remove the post or pm me and i remove). Here's the dump of Sega Alls Unit ref : 849-004-91 Edit: Time to speak for Multi or too soon ? :D
  17. Bonky

    TTX4 and USB IO on Multi Artax

    For working led, you need to add the "FP1" to the Pci card. Break out carefully the white wire from the FP1 connector on the motherboard and connect it to USB +5V pin.
  18. Bonky

    TTX4 and USB IO on Multi Artax

    Here's integrated into an Alls.
  19. Bonky

    TTX4 and USB IO on Multi Artax

    RS1 and FP1 not need to be connected. Just the pci card plugged and the small board connected for input. (if you need only fast io) Work great on my Alls and Ttx4