Search results

  1. cmoliveira

    FS High Quality Convergence Strips for your Tubes

    I'll take a 20 pack and I'm good with paying the shipping to Canada. Thanks for doing this @jcmorrisii
  2. cmoliveira

    Jasen’s Customs: CPS1 Multi Case Thread

    Hey @JasenHicks, do you still ship to Canada? When using a Canadian address to order 2 x Universal case brackets it says there are no shipping options available.
  3. cmoliveira

    Positive feedback for Tonyt76

    Just bought a new Arthrimus Vewlix Console I/O V3.1 from Tony and everything came to me as if I bought it from the site. Great packaging and quick shipping. Plugged in my brooks boards in my Vewlix and everything works great. Thanks @tonyt76!
  4. cmoliveira

    FOUND Vewlix Screen Protector

    I'll be getting some anti-reflective/glare glass cut for the screen using another Vewlix screen for measurements. Thanks for the replies!
  5. cmoliveira

    FOUND Taito Adjustable Bench | Taito Stools (48 cm)

    Found some through @Cereth's order thread. Thanks for the replies!
  6. cmoliveira

    FOUND Vewlix Screen Protector

    I can get access to Vewlix with the glass so I can just take that to a shop. They seem to have some anti glare on it (almost like it's diffused). Do glass cutting shops offer that look?
  7. cmoliveira

    replacing scsi cd-rom drive with scsi sd card adapter?

    I had a similar issue back when I had bought a new scsi2sd for my CPS3 setup and I had to go through 5 different USB cables to find one it found 'acceptable' to connect to my PC in order to set it up properly. I don't know why it's so picky. So try using as many as you have lying around.
  8. cmoliveira

    FOUND Vewlix Screen Protector

    Looking for a Vewlix screen protector. If anyone has a spare, please let me know!
  9. cmoliveira

    Universal monitor bracket for Vewlix

    I have a Rev C in a Diamond Blue and a Diamond Orange with no issues.
  10. cmoliveira

    Positive feedback for Rbtamanini

    This review is a bit late but wanted to spend some time with @Rbtamanini's panels before posting anything. I ordered a Vewlix Diamond Orange Street Fighter V 2L12B panel and a similar themed Vewlix sub panel and both are excellent. Quality is great! Panels are a bit thicker but are still flat...
  11. cmoliveira

    FOUND Taito Adjustable Bench | Taito Stools (48 cm)

    Hi All, Looking for Taito adjustable benches and 48 cm Taito stools. Interested in one or more. Have no issues covering shipping and duties into Canada. Thanks!
  12. cmoliveira

    Vewlix Console I/O - Connect Brook fighting boards directly to your Vewlix.

    Looks like these have been out of stock for a while. Would definitely be interested in one if there's a restock.
  13. cmoliveira

    A Freeware Taito TypeX2 Multigame.

    @Niko Did this end up getting resolved? Read through the rest of this thread and couldn't find an answer. I'm running the 2.0 Multi with updates and I still see the above issue. EDIT: I also wanted to add that I tried this with the following: TTX2 -> DVI-A/VGA Adapter -> VGA Cable -> Monitor...
  14. cmoliveira

    Taito Vewlix "Proper Acrylic" Marquee Preorder (CLOSED) Successfully Funded

    @Derick2k if there are any left over, would love to grab 1 as well.
  15. cmoliveira

    FS Taito Vewlix Repro Marquee Lights - Pre-Orders (CLOSED)

    @Derick2k, can the move strip LEDs be added to any Vewlix move strip without lights? (eg: Orange Diamond)
  16. cmoliveira

    Positive feedback for darkstrider2

    Bought one of Jasen's CPS3 Arcade PCB Cases from darkstrider2 to replace my older acrylic case. Came in brand new. Shipping was fast and case was packaged well. Thanks @darkstrider2!
  17. cmoliveira

    Jasen’s Customs: CPS1 Multi Case Thread

    @JasenHicks I know I saw some talk about this in the thread but just want to confirm: Can this case be mounted in a cabinet? Side Question: Can your CPS3 case also be mounted in a cabinet? If yes, I'll put in my order for both. Thanks for all the hard work you put into this!