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  1. R

    Sega Net City vs link board (838-13816-91) info

    Yeah I tried both on my netboot setup and it just locks up inputs on both versions. This happens only on CVS2 for me!
  2. R

    Sega Net City vs link board (838-13816-91) info

    Did you find a solution for this? It also happens on the boss hacked version for me btw.
  3. R

    Service button not working

    Yeah, I did. It doesn't work in-game either. Also the game just loses ALL controls after around 15 minutes of playing. It's happened twice now on CVS2 UNLOCKED through the wipi netbooter.
  4. R

    Service button not working

    Hey did you find a real solution for this? Im facing the same issue with an N2 on a Net City cabinet. Service button works in game, but not in the test menu. I'm trying to set free play and audio but with Service not working, I can't do that at all!
  5. R

    Nanao MS9-29 enhancement hacks

    The sharpness mod worked perfectly. It's something I did with the 31khz mod that messed up the board. nem: I don't feel any static.
  6. R

    Nanao MS9-29 enhancement hacks

    yes, it looked great, actually! So I went ahead and tried the 31khz mod. I swapped the 22k resistor for a 15k, then replaced the geometry capacitors. Moved the connector to 24k and tested. Maybe I missed something? Did I need to set the HH24 pot before testing? I have another Chassis that...
  7. R

    Nanao MS9-29 enhancement hacks

    yes, it is.
  8. R

    Nanao MS9-29 enhancement hacks

    Pretty much nothing. There's nothing on the screen and there's no neck glow.
  9. R

    Nanao MS9-29 enhancement hacks

    Hey guys. I attempted the 31k mod. G1/Sharpness worked. Replaced the resistor with a 15k, swapped the geometry caps, then swapped the connector to 24k. When I tested it, I heard an extremely loud squeal from the monitor so I shut it off. Restored the caps and I still get the same loud squeal...
  10. R

    Sega Megalo 410

    My megalo is missing a screen because a 32" LCD TV was mounted inside (lol) and I'm thinking of using an LCD projector for it. What kind of screen material would I need to use for a rear projection replacement?
  11. R

    Nanao MS9-29 enhancement hacks

    Thanks. I guess I'll go and check the chassis that I've installed on cabs. maybe I'll find one that is similar to what you guys used. Just too much work to try and figure it out with these spares I have.
  12. R

    Nanao MS9-29 enhancement hacks

    I have some MS9 chassis that have different neckboards. Can't find a D506, r517, so I thought it might be an older revision, but I can't find a J404 on it either! It's marked 05a00675c1. Is it possible to do these mods on this chassis? Also does anyone have photos of what the edge curling...
  13. R

    Nanao MS8-26 Aero City - left half of the screen is wider than the right half.

    It's not a magnet issue. I tested the chassis on many Aero City cabinets and the problem remains.
  14. R

    Nanao MS8-26 Aero City - left half of the screen is wider than the right half.

    I've had this chassis for a while now and I still have no idea what causes this issue. The thread title says it all: the left half of the screen is wider than the right half. Quite jarring in fighting games since p1 is bigger than p2, and spacing becomes different as soon as you cross the the...
  15. R

    Finally got a Dreamcast MGCD up and running in my cab.

    Anyone have info on how to fix an MGCD that was burned out by flipping the connector? Or to reproduce the ROM Chips?
  16. R

    MGCD user guide

    OP would you happen to know which chips are used for controls? I have an MGCD that does not respond to controls at all. Actually the video was completely blank too, but I removed the chip that does the timer overlay and I get the correct video output now.
  17. R

    Nanao MS9-29 enhancement hacks

    Is it possible to do this 31khz mod on an MS8?
  18. R

    Namco system 12 - resetting but occasionally boots

    Didn't take a video because nothing shows up on screen. I can just hear the CRT picking up sync and losing sync over and over.
  19. R

    Namco system 12 - resetting but occasionally boots

    Yes, I swapped the cpu board to another system 12 and it works.
  20. R

    Namco system 12 - resetting but occasionally boots

    I have a Tekken Tag board that just keeps resetting itself. The cpu board works, but I recapped it anyway. Bottom board was also recapped and reflowed. Occasionally, the amount of time between resets will change, and sometimes the game will actually boot up, but it's so rare that it's just...