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  1. grendelrt

    Chewlix Revamp, Parts + Cost included

    Picked up a Chewlix from a friend, I needed something to play newer games and wanted an easy to rotate vertical cabinet. I am typically CRT only but this has been a really pleasant surprise. I have already changed out the monitor, speakers, art, etc. Figured it may be helpful for anyone looking...
  2. grendelrt

    FS Vewlix or (Uni Blast Backlit/Translit) Marquee art set (UPDATED 29-SEP-2024) ~ Initial D Arcade Ver. 3

    Is that how it looks on an official cab or some of sells art? I was having a hard time finding pics of officials stuff. If its being printed, why would you not do the same thing as when in horizontal mode, leaving the frame alone. Maybe its a me issue, but this looks way better to me....
  3. grendelrt

    FS Vewlix or (Uni Blast Backlit/Translit) Marquee art set (UPDATED 29-SEP-2024) ~ Initial D Arcade Ver. 3

    Well that's kind of the point, if I buy the vertical set, i would expect it to fit the vertical monitor layout :) Most people play vertical shmups in vertical layout not horizontal. They would fit fine if they were scaled down to be a little thinner.
  4. grendelrt

    FS Vewlix or (Uni Blast Backlit/Translit) Marquee art set (UPDATED 29-SEP-2024) ~ Initial D Arcade Ver. 3

    Maybe its me and I am daft but the vertical artwork borders that are for the sides of the monitor don't fit when the monitor is in vertical mode? They are sized for horizontal mode? I would expect the vertical kits with the art oriented up and down to fit on the sides in vertical mode? You can...
  5. grendelrt

    VGA video amplifier board for Arcade Monitor with sync filter

    Its dependent on what the GPU itself can output based off an EDID table. The videoamp saves all the EDID information you write to it, so as long as the gpu can output one of those res based on its bios it should. Its all dependent on your hardware you are using, all the videoamp is doing is...
  6. grendelrt

    VGA video amplifier board for Arcade Monitor with sync filter

    You write the EDIDs you want to the vga boards memory, so they are there on bootup. If your bios works inside those EDID you should see your bios, I have a newer system with a 5600x on my Blast City and the bios shows up in 640x480. Your GPU still has to support the resolution at a driver...
  7. grendelrt

    Chewlix TATE brackets

    Thanks for posting them, they are at least allowing me to use vert mode until I can track some metal ones down :) Also, random note, i have the same exact color vewlix sitting beside a blast city....twinsies!
  8. grendelrt

    Chewlix TATE brackets

    Yeah and you could also maybe use PLA since it is a stiffer material, I didn't use it though because when it does break it tends to be more catastrophic haha.
  9. grendelrt

    Chewlix TATE brackets

    Well the 3D printed work, but don't work :O They fit, the screwed in and they are currently holding up my monitor but there's a tiny bit of flex in the material so the monitor isn't flush at the very top, the weight pushes it back a little bit maybe half an inch. Good try though, I can use them...
  10. grendelrt

    Chewlix TATE brackets

    Yeah I am doing 100% PTEG right now, I cant imagine a monitor would be too much for these when there are 4 of them.
  11. grendelrt

    Chewlix TATE brackets

    Did anyone ever test these? I am about to print some out, friend of mine is selling me his chewlix, looks like the same one you have in the OP. Any advice I should be aware of for that model :)
  12. grendelrt

    SFIV TE Arcade Stick Stand

    Tired of almost stepping on mine :P
  13. grendelrt

    Flood !

    That's brutal, so sorry to see :(
  14. grendelrt

    Is there a way to adjust Horizontal Linearity for Toshiba PD1843 or PD2367?

    I have the same issue on a nanao 2933 that I just fully recapped. Right side is slightly squished, you can see the picture sorta contract\expand as it scrolls on a side scroller game sometimes.
  15. grendelrt

    FOUND Extron 201 or 203

    Looking for a 201 or 203 with the DB 15 input and horizontal\vertical shifts. Edit : found a new open box on eBay :)
  16. grendelrt

    Mixing JAMMA and IPAC

    Are you using an normal arcade cabinet interface? Or maybe a Super gun inside? You should have a harness that connects to whatever your video and control system is going to be. A typical jamma harness , like this or a connection on your supergun like this To interface with the arcade boards...
  17. grendelrt

    Mixing JAMMA and IPAC

    I may not be following but for my iPac setup for groovymame , it's USB from computer to iPac then each iPac button is wired to a jamma fingerboard, then you slide the jamma harness onto that fingerboard.
  18. grendelrt

    Naomi Pi 'WiPi Netbooter' - compatible with Pi 3&4

    I am running the mathieulh multibios and the wipi curated romset, but some of the roms still get locked and wont let you reset with a new game when sent to the netdimm, I thought that was corrected with that bios and the dragonminded backend or is it still an issue?
  19. grendelrt

    Capcom I\O Volume Thingamajig

    Volume extension-ish thing for Capcom IO board. Easier to find and turn when reaching under cabinet (I fumbled way too much looking for this thing the other day). Left it loose fitting to allow some tolerance, won't fall off unless your board is upside down :)...
  20. grendelrt

    Let's Connect a PC to an Arcade Cab, Shall we??!!

    I have a weird IPAC2 issue I cannot track down and looking for some help, on Big Box or Devilblade reboot games, i get constant scrolling or mouse input moving the mouse up left. Below is what I have checked so far and also talked to Andy, but we didn't figure anything out. I have the IPAC2 in...