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  1. Epyc

    FS NO LONGER FS/FT: Megalo 410

    @Kidkaos PM sent
  2. Epyc

    Naomi 2 HDMI

    It's both.
  3. Epyc

    Naomi 2 HDMI

    The day has finally arrived!! Still in stock. Buy the DCdigital kit now and the Naomi flex next month. “Naomi is also officially supported with a seperate flex and mount. These parts will be available for purchase January of 2023.”
  4. Epyc

    FS MP07-IONA-US JVS/USB I/O Board v3.11: Worldwide Sales & Troubleshooting Thread

    Agreed, anyway we can have an easier configuration interface? It’s pretty cumbersome especially when you’re switching it from system to system.
  5. Epyc

    CPS3 Resistor Array

    Has anyone found an alternative to the resistor arrays?
  6. Epyc

    CPS3 Resistor Array

    Looking for 1 resistor array “620” as well. I botched one installing the digiAV board.
  7. Epyc

    Naomi 2 HDMI

    Monthly Bumpity!
  8. Epyc

    DARKSOFT CPS1 Multi - Support thread

    I’m in the South Bay and can help you solder your multi. Let me know.
  9. Epyc

    DARKSOFT CPS1 Multi - Support thread

    My issue was resolved by swapping to another A-Board (12mhz) I had. Initial tests with some CPS1 and CPS1.5 with Qsound games work without issues. Seems like the A-Board (10mhz) I originally used had some sort of issue in which it only showed in the Slam Masters games. @Darksoft, any idea...
  10. Epyc

    DARKSOFT CPS1 Multi - Support thread

    Anyone else have graphical issues in Slam Masters + all other variants? This is the only game that has issues that I’ve seen so far. Here’s a video of the issue: View: C board: 92641C-1 original, removed battery A board: 89626A-4, with marqs digiAV HDMI mod
  11. Epyc

    Virtua Stick High Grade Panel for Astro City Mini Arcade Stick

    I would definitely buy a couple of these CP’s!
  12. Epyc

    CPS1 Multi. Official Thread

    Oh @Derick2k! I’d like a set of the red+white RCA connectors if you have anymore.
  13. Epyc

    CPS1 Multi. Official Thread

    @Darksoft , thanks for the response. Marqs had additional questions qsound games.
  14. Epyc

    DARKSOFT CPS1 Multi - Support thread

    Phew crisis averted. The pin bent back without breaking! Thanks @Derick2k!
  15. Epyc

    DARKSOFT CPS1 Multi - Support thread

    I noticed the first pin on the left side of the Z80 is bent. Is this intentional? Only did a limited amount of testing, seems to be functional so far.
  16. Epyc


    My google-fu is weak. Can't seem to find V6. Needs some hints as well.
  17. Epyc

    Official: CPS1 (CPS1.5) Multi by Darksoft/Apocalypse - Interest Check Thread

    Ordered! HSS Order #41106 Interest #337 -Epyc
  18. Epyc

    CPS1 Multi. Official Thread

    @Darksoft Sorry if this question has already been asked. Is Marqs' DigiAV kit going to work with the CPS1 Multi and Qsound? Would the audio out of the HDMI output be in Stereo?
  19. Epyc

    FS Freebie Naomi cases

    Nm, someone take these!