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  1. mR_CaESaR

    CV1000D Multi! NOT A BOOT CHAT THREAD - Formerly: A huge project is approaching....

    I definitely don't know. I wouldn't have a clue. 99.9% of the stuff being mentioned is another language to me 🤣
  2. mR_CaESaR

    CV1000D Multi! NOT A BOOT CHAT THREAD - Formerly: A huge project is approaching....

    How is this project even possible? How are parts being sourced? I always thought a big chunk of stuff are no longer available etc... Did the Gerbers from the bootleggers put it out in the open market which then allowed the development of the multi? Either way, I look forward to seeing this...
  3. mR_CaESaR

    Holy Cow! DIY alternative to CPS3 UltraSIMMs

    I'm pretty sure DS shared the gerbers for the regular simms once upon a time. I'll try and find it. Edit: Found it. It was actually the same person who created the CPS3 Open Simms herzmx
  4. mR_CaESaR

    Australian Roll Call / Registry / Deals Thread

    Given the cost of a cps3 multi, a VS city is essentially two NAC's with MS9's. That's Elvis' cab who definitely knows how to take care of his CRTs. If he sold his cps3 for 1.5k - 2k. The VS cab is essentially 2k which I personally believe is a great price. It's just unfortunate that the market...
  5. mR_CaESaR

    Cave CV1000 3D printed cases

    very nice! I don't own any of these boards, but I imagine there'd be no issues in relation to heat?
  6. mR_CaESaR

    Naomi Pi 'WiPi Netbooter' - compatible with Pi 3&4

    I had it working in this video View: It's been a minute since I've last used this setup as I eventually got an external card reader but it's definitely worked. Note: wiring was since cleaned up after this video :) it was all dummy testing haha
  7. mR_CaESaR

    Ultracade UVC help

    Monitor 100% accepts 15khz. It's an Aero City, MS8-26. I have the cab, it works with mine and all other 15khz setups I've got too. It might really come down to possibly a faulty UVC but it's worth trying to rule out all variables.
  8. mR_CaESaR

    DARKSOFT New CPSIII Ultra Simms! 8 times the size of a regular SIMM

    Might be worthwhile trying to re-write all the simms again? Assuming you're writing the correct SIMM1 and SIMM2 to match your SH2 chip (standard or custom?) I think you are as I don't believe the game would start if it was the incorrect file. I don't imagine you have a different base CPS3 you...
  9. mR_CaESaR

    DARKSOFT New CPSIII Ultra Simms! 8 times the size of a regular SIMM

    Assuming you had no errors when writing the simms?
  10. mR_CaESaR

    Ultracade UVC help

    It's so strange. Do you have another 480p source that you could use to test? ie. a 360 with a vga cable or a dreamcast with a vga cable? I would probably do the following just to try and isolate the issue (if you haven't already done so): - test and confirm your current source is displaying a...
  11. mR_CaESaR

    Netdimm - Not recognized

    Yeah the first thing I would do would be to change the buffer chip. I written a quick process of what I did here - Check your firmware by doing a DIMM board test and if it "times out" and shows 0.00 on the firmware, you would...
  12. mR_CaESaR

    MVC2 Cart ROM Board Test

    THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Burnt on a 27c322 and I can report the following: On export or US bios selected (on multi bios), I now get the rom board test Unlocked characters only appear when US bios is being used (I think that's how it was with the other eprom I had). US Bios Export Bios...
  13. mR_CaESaR

    MVC2 Cart ROM Board Test

    This is the one I've burnt - it'd be the one floating around on here
  14. mR_CaESaR

    MVC2 Cart ROM Board Test

    I don't have the original eproms for ic22 of these carts sadly.
  15. mR_CaESaR

    MVC2 Cart ROM Board Test

    So if find the original eprom data and burn it, I should get my rom test and rom board test option back?
  16. mR_CaESaR

    MVC2 Cart ROM Board Test

  17. mR_CaESaR

    MVC2 Cart ROM Board Test

    This particular one I'm looking at selling is a 171-7978B The cart that Ken "transplanted" is the same, but it doesn't have that jumper wire. Yeah it does It's using the multibios from mathieulh with it set to Euro atm...
  18. mR_CaESaR

    Ultracade UVC help

    Mine is wired with 5 wires with Dip 6 turned off. I use mine to downscale 360 480p to 15khz
  19. mR_CaESaR

    MVC2 Cart ROM Board Test

    I think it's more about the checksums of the roms. I trust that Ken from irepairsega repaired the cart as best as possible. Everything on the cart works except the rom board memory test. Ahh well.
  20. mR_CaESaR

    MVC2 Cart ROM Board Test

    Thanks. I didn't think it looked right. Must be something to do with the repair as both carts show the same behaviour. I guess it somewhat devalues the cart? Maybe it might not be worth selling :(