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  1. kinooshi823

    Interest Check: Pre-made upgraded 161-in-1 multicarts - All spots filled - 2025 UPDATE

    I have a v2 161 that I use with a Daedalus adaptor and it does work. That would be some assurance for you.
  2. kinooshi823

    Atomiswave Multi

    Looks like I got plenty of time to decide on getting one due to that waitlist on Neo-Arcadia
  3. kinooshi823

    WTB x68000 PC

    I am interested in one of these preferably the black model. If you got one for sale, let's talk. Keep in mind I do have a limit I am willing to spend.
  4. kinooshi823

    PGM multicart interest check

    I hope one can be made in the future
  5. kinooshi823

    Interest Check - NEW MVS MULTI BATCH!!

    I've been hearing about TO's carts having quality issues. You technically have a chance to smash em' and take more share if there will be other batches in the future.
  6. kinooshi823

    Lindbergh Emulator

    This is interesting. I will save this thread. I would love to play lindbergh without having to take mine out.
  7. kinooshi823

    lindbergh multikit mount game and reboot

    Sounds like damaged sectors. You would need a new HDD or SSD depending on what you used for the multi. Be aware, there's a chance you may not be able to clone the drive if there are a lot of corrupted sectors which impact the data heavily. But, if it does copy over, then the corruption wasn't...
  8. kinooshi823

    WTB Sega Lindbergh Multi kit

    Minitool partition wizard free edition is what I used btw. I was trying to remember the name of the app I used.
  9. kinooshi823

    WTB Sega Lindbergh Multi kit

    Format the ssd or hdd fat32 and make sure it is in the MBR format and not GPT.
  10. kinooshi823

    FOUND Sega 32x console

  11. kinooshi823

    FOUND Sega 32x console

    I want one to finish building my tower of power. If someone has one for sale at a reasonable price, let me know. And must be willing to accept Paypal goods and services as payment.
  12. kinooshi823

    7800 GS AGP Help

    So any 7800 agp that has the 5.70 works then right?
  13. kinooshi823

    7800 GS AGP Help

    Plug and play? I heard conflicts that outside of the AGP 7800 that has the Sega BIOS, no other AGP 7800 would run. If I find a cheap one in the future, I will buy it and try it out.
  14. kinooshi823

    CPS3 Repro Cart & ZuluSCSI

    Ain't that some shit. I didn't know Capcom made that error. Seems like Tika hit a rare sequence, lol. I missed the fact he doesn't have his CPS3 board fully populated as well. I also didn't know there was a mini Zulu out as well.
  15. kinooshi823

    CPS3 Repro Cart & ZuluSCSI

    I've included my zulu file. Also, on the 4th strike image, I renamed the ISO to CD1CAP-33S-1.iso. I am also using a SanDisk Ultra 32GB SD Card. 1 and 2 dipswitches are down and 3 is up on my board. Don't know if you can downgrade firmware but if you can, try installing the one that I have on...
  16. kinooshi823

    CPS3 Repro Cart & ZuluSCSI Try using the method I used back then. I went through hell with the CPS3 last year, lol.
  17. kinooshi823

    PGM multicart interest check

    I thought about it but Demon Front and SVG, lol. I originally just wanted bee, espag and ketsui. But I don't know.
  18. kinooshi823

    PGM multicart interest check

    I just bought a PGM as well. I'm down for a multi if anyone plans to even try to make one
  19. kinooshi823

    SOLD -----NAOMI 1 --- 80 EUROS

    This is a standard DIMM and not a Net DIMM. If it was a Net DIMM, there would be an ethernet port on the back of the unit.
  20. kinooshi823

    Negative Feedback on Omar Fernandez aka Candy Cab King on instagram and Paypal name Horacio Hernandez AP name Arcade game

    You had a right to get upset over another person stalling to give you back what is yours. You even offered to compensate and he didn't give you the info for you to do so. At least you are getting your stuff back. I know how it feels to wait for something and not get it and get excuses. In my...