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  1. shelcoof

    [FIXED: Supergun Settings Issue] PGM Motherboard Failure to Boot

    Now that I think about it I do recall my HAS V working out of the box with my PGMs At that time I just received the HAS V Confirmed it was working properly then went back to using my HAS 4 lol
  2. shelcoof

    Hori Fighting Stick SS with LS-56 Spring

    I've always wanted to do a build of that stick along with the Green Goblin for the Dreamcast It looks like a good sized stick too I'm not huge into giant sticks and I prefer them more compact with a bit of weight If I can put in a Seimitsu SELS-70 in there I'd be SOO DOWN to Modding one in the...
  3. shelcoof

    Monitor clicking and not outputting video.

    Not sure if this is a similar issue but my VGA CRT Monitor does the same thing when an unsupported resolution is feed to it I have a VGA Matrix and monitors that do support the resolution would work
  4. shelcoof

    Golden Axe Port - Dev log

    Finished already!! Wow that's way faster than I expected 🤯
  5. shelcoof

    WTB ESP Galuda PGM Fluffy Cart

    Contact @nnap I've picked up all three custom carts from him They are beautifully made
  6. shelcoof

    Super Low Noise Fan Option For CPS2 (Noctua NF-A6x15)

    But the MisTer is more than just emulation though The fact that a lot of arcade cores are near identical to the original experience says a lot At the end of the day it's about enjoying the game I too love original hardware I love looking at it while it's running a game I'm playing I love...
  7. shelcoof

    Positive feedback for nnap

    Holy smokes that looks gorgeous running on the cab 😍 For the quality of the build the price was definitely more than fair! 😁
  8. shelcoof

    Positive feedback for nnap

    Picked up The Three Custom CAVE PGM Carts from @nnap nnap communications was clear, prompt and friendly Building and and shipping off the carts was fast. I wasn't expecting it to be shipped within a few days of me messaging him Carts came in fast, well packed The build surpassed my...
  9. shelcoof

    Positive Feedback: Dloop

    He was one of the first guys I dealt with here when I just signed up on the forum A pleasure to deal with! Super nice guy indeed and we had a lot of good conversations too :D
  10. shelcoof

    Shinobi for the Neo Geo!

    I just tried it on MisTer and OMG is it such an amazing port!! I couldn't really tell the difference between the original and the NEO GEO Port
  11. shelcoof

    FS FS: Virtual-On Force Twin and Terminal

    I'll gift you you the 0.01$ just to see you smile!!! Just promise me you'll show it off to us when you get it set-up :D
  12. shelcoof

    FS SEGA Cartridges (ST-V, NAOMI)

    If I had a NAOMI 2 I'd be so down to grab that VF4 FT Cart!
  13. shelcoof

    Identifying Atomiswave Motherboard Mod

    lol there are no purple wires
  14. shelcoof

    Identifying Atomiswave Motherboard Mod

    Hey Guys I finally had time to myself and what better way to enjoy it? Work on some projects :D I was performing the Stereo Mod on my Atomiswave Systems when I stumbled upon this Motherboard that seemed like it was modified/repaired No idea what this is and was curious if anyone else here...
  15. shelcoof

    ARCADE2JVS - JVS IO for two DB15 Arcade Sticks

    I can confirm the Undamned USB Adapter works
  16. shelcoof

    PGM single game PCB interest check

    That's awesome! How long do you estimate orders will start shipping?
  17. shelcoof

    SOLD ( Sega ST-V ) Soukyugurentai (Terra Diver), Cotton Boomerang, Shienryu, Die Hard Arcade

    Love the ST-V Some good titles here Souky for 250$ is a great price RSG is definately a rare one Took me ages to find my copy
  18. shelcoof

    Kizuna Encounter: Music problems

    Just curious if the seller sold it as a defective cart or a fully working cart at the price