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  1. squallrs

    Multi TTX3 Autoboot on 1 game

    Hi all, Someone knows how do I set 1 game for Autoboot? is it possible ? I try with configure\General\Startup Mod\Launch Last Game With this option it works, but when i want to change game, it relaunch directly the same game on exit. Any idea ?
  2. squallrs

    SUN PSU capacitor maps

    Yes i know, but if you can edit your post for 16v ;)
  3. squallrs

    SUN PSU capacitor maps

    For the : 400-5397-01 1000uF 10V 10mm 1 C21 1000uF 16V 10mm 1 C21
  4. squallrs

    Atomiswave Multi

    Hello guys, Multi Atomiswave by Aje_fr World premiere! Check out our video on the latest Multi Atomiswave -- review and all the explanations on how to best use it! View: #Atomiswave #jamma #arcade #videogames
  5. squallrs

    FS Capcom MULTI CPS3 Superbios setup

    Hi all, I am selling my Multi CPS3 Darksoft No more battery in the cartridge of course, so no more suicide on this side 😉 List of games: JoJo's Venture / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure / Red Earth / Street Fighter III: New Generation / Street Fighter III: 2nd Impact / Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike...
  6. squallrs

    Nanao MS9-29 enhancement hacks

    For European People, i have a few kit at the same price, just MP :) The tuto if needed: View:
  7. squallrs

    Nanao MS9-29 enhancement hacks

    I made a video on your mod @Hatsune Mike, thanks again 😉 View:
  8. squallrs

    DARKSOFT The Definitive Guide to Fixing Your CPS2 Multi Kit

    Hello Nico :) Ok really strange, i try on another game board, it's works. So i put again on the old one, and it's works too... So just a bad contact... All it's ok ;)
  9. squallrs

    DARKSOFT The Definitive Guide to Fixing Your CPS2 Multi Kit

    I will try with the resistor. But I don't understand, you told me the pinout is different with the new multi champion. So what is the new pinout?
  10. squallrs

    DARKSOFT The Definitive Guide to Fixing Your CPS2 Multi Kit

    @xodaraP Can you give me the right pinout for this version ? For pictures you can't see, the color don't match, but i check as i told you all connection with multimeters PIN#5 – CN2 A32 PIN#4 – CN2 A30 PIN#3 – CN2 A31 PIN#2 - CN2 A29
  11. squallrs

    DARKSOFT The Definitive Guide to Fixing Your CPS2 Multi Kit

    :D :D:D I did exactly like the pdf, see attach file
  12. squallrs

    DARKSOFT The Definitive Guide to Fixing Your CPS2 Multi Kit

    Ok i have download the pack on, it's exactly the same than i put on the SD... (Darksoft CPS2 2020-05-24.7z) So not that too... I will need to cross check on my other CPS2 multi....:dead: If someone have an idea before... i take it !
  13. squallrs

    DARKSOFT The Definitive Guide to Fixing Your CPS2 Multi Kit

    I did it already 3 times I found it, thx, i will try with this one I know that, it was just for info. Sure.
  14. squallrs

    DARKSOFT The Definitive Guide to Fixing Your CPS2 Multi Kit

    Hello all, I have an issue with a new CPS2 Multi kit. I have a color screen on boot with crypted games, and works fine with uncrypted like CPS1 convert Street Fighter 2 CE. I have a 93646BG-3 board, i used this: PIN#5(– CN2 A32 PIN#4(– CN2 A30 PIN#3(– CN2 A31 PIN#2(– CN2 A29 - EXC5 may need to...
  15. squallrs

    DARKSOFT Get your MultiMVS Here:

    Ordered too ;)
  16. squallrs

    CPS3 freeze, and no launching game

    Only 2, and my back still hurts me :thumbsup: I'm gonna sell my NUC for an Sega Aero City in few month :love:
  17. squallrs

    CPS3 freeze, and no launching game

    Thanks but it's a New Net City, not a NUC ;) U can see other here:
  18. squallrs

    CPS3 freeze, and no launching game

    Problem solved ! That was the second 64 SIMM for info ;)