Hi thanks for the reply, i got rambo to work pretty well. (I couldnt calibrate the guns propperly, but sill works well) that i assume means the amp and jvs works. Its not able to read the cf card. I installed the CF multi on an ssd and plugged it in the ide port with an adapter and it works. Im...
Hi guys sorry i keep bothering you.. I restored my deleted os files. I downloaded the hotd4 files from the link TheDeath gave me but when I run the game it says wait initializing jvs and doesnt boot the game. It stays in the multiboot menu.
I also got the original hdd to work and in bios it...
Omg THANK YOU! I accidentally deleted the crediar multiboot os files and the mega.nz link you gave me is empty. Would you have the files by any chance? Thanks again.
I made a chd file of my hotd4 hdd. Its a rev d. I can upload it if you need it. I think the original cf card is corrupted because...
Hello again, I tried to make a restore disk but it doesnt do anything. The screen is black. I noticed that in bios it cant see the ide hdd but when i connect a sata ssd it shows up. So the next idea i had was to restore the harddrive image onto the ssd. I found the .chd file for hotd4 and tried...
Can you please explain how to use it on a normal game? I just want to get hotd4 working thats it. I think theres something wrong with the original cf card. Does the install disk write on the cf as well? Or do you know if i there is a file i can write on the cf card?
Hi thanks for the reply.. it shows me as an iso file. Do i have to convert it or just copy it to the hdd? If i have to convert it can you please tel me how to do it?
Thank you!
Hi! I finally got the multi boot to work. Turns out the cf card was bad. The problem im having now is the house of the dead 4 is missing from the mega links. I dont care about the other games i just want to get the hotd4 working. I couldnt find the files online. Would you by any chance have the...
Hi, so here's the update.. i tried numerous rams and its still the same. I tried the multiboot but when its supposed to show the the menu it says no operating system found. Would you have the files that are needed? The CF link was down and I found something online and downloaded that. Also the...
Someone told me to try and switch the audio and jvs board, also to remove the audio board completely and see if that would help. What position should the dip switches be?
Hi. Yes i've left it for more than 10 minutes . Sometimes it stops blinking and freezes and sometimes it doesnt stop.
Everything is connected. I cleaned every contact point on the machine.
The dips are all off except number 8. When I first got it thats how it was. I have not touched the dips.
Ok so I replaced both batteries with new ones and did the cmos reset but nothing changed. What else would you recommend?
Ps: heres the link of a video of what the problem is
View: https://youtu.be/Wj4REFroGRc
Thanks for the reply, the coin battery voltage on both motherboard and i/o board is 2.9v. After the now noading bar fills it starts to blink almost once per second and is not going to the lindbergh logo. I will change the batteries and see if it works. If it doesnt what else would you recommend...
Hi guys, I have been searching the whole internet to try to find what is wrong with my machine and couldnt find anything, so I decided to ask here.
I have a HOTD4 cabinet which ran perfectly. I turned it off for about 2-3 months and now it wont boot. It shows me the now loading screen and after...