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  1. Dreamstate

    3D printed case for the USB2DB15 1.1 (open source board)

    Anyone willing to make me two of these?
  2. Dreamstate

    FS For Sale: Lots of boards from my collection. Bris, QLD.

    Any idea what post to the US would cost on this? Interested and would like pictures if you could. TAITO TYPE X3 COMPLETE UNIT. UN-TESTED. SOLD AS IS! Comes with "Puzzle & Dragons" HDD, Security card AND cart. So it SHOULD be a working "set". $150 AUD + Post
  3. Dreamstate

    Namco 2X6-Pi Multi Selector

    Got it. I will do that when I take the board out for the reset wire. As for Pics, I was waiting until I had it running. It was my first time soldering a project to a PCB like that so I was just excited it seemed to work first try. I will get some pics up for sure.
  4. Dreamstate

    Namco 2X6-Pi Multi Selector

    Got this almost ready. I built the board (Thanks @Derick2k for the board), I got the Pi, installed the Pi Image to the card (Thanks @BladeZX !) plugged it all in to power and the Pi has the WiFi Portal and the LCD on the PCB is showing the games. All of the buttons seem to work so that's good...
  5. Dreamstate

    Taito F3 Love with Lions3 Case

    I love mine. It is a work of art for sure.
  6. Dreamstate

    Namco 2X6-Pi Multi Selector

    Got it. Thanks, I need to order the microSD then since I don't already have one.
  7. Dreamstate

    Namco 2X6-Pi Multi Selector

    Two quick questions. For the images, do they all need to be iso, or can they be .bin files as well? Second, how big of a micro SD is needed for the PI? Looks like a 4GB would be fine, but just making sure before I get the final pieces in.
  8. Dreamstate

    Namco 2X6-Pi Multi Selector

    Just curious but would a Pi 3B+ be a drop in replacement for the Pi 3B? I can get them for the same price but I don’t want to start changing up the design. Seems like they are identical except for a small boost in power and faster network, but again, I really don’t want to have to figure out...
  9. Dreamstate

    Namco 2X6-Pi Multi Selector

    @Derick2k I'll take a board from you if you have any extra. Just let me know how much.
  10. Dreamstate

    Namco 2X6-Pi Multi Selector

    Definitely hit me up if you do. I will likely want to buy it from you either assembled or just part is fine.
  11. Dreamstate

    Namco 2X6-Pi Multi Selector

    Very nice. Definitely excited to have this. The IDE Simulator and multi-dongle made my 256 run perfect. This makes it easy!
  12. Dreamstate

    FS K C Game sale

    Update your general location in your profile. Maybe someone will be close and willing to buy the Lindbergh. Just a thought.
  13. Dreamstate

    ATAPI/IDE ODE Testing

    Yes, that works good. I know he had some issues with the reader on the first version, but mine works good on this new model (it was more about it detecting the card since it was easy to put it in wrong). If you are putting all of the games on one device, whichever way is easier and/or cheaper.
  14. Dreamstate

    ATAPI/IDE ODE Testing

    What I read that electric_monk said before this is definitely his recommended setup. He said the slower USB would be more than enough to deal with the RPi and the faster would be for the images.
  15. Dreamstate

    SOLD Sigma AV7000 Supergun

    Woah, 9000TB! That’s 9 Petabytes! What a steal! 😝 (Yes, I know what a 9000tb is, but the IT geek in me couldn’t help it).
  16. Dreamstate

    JNX Namco 2X6 Kick Harness Adapter

    I am still having issues, but I am going to try a few more things. Thanks for clarifying the setup for me.
  17. Dreamstate

    JNX Namco 2X6 Kick Harness Adapter

    Hey, bought one of these, but I am not having any luck getting buttons 5 and 6 working on Fighting Jam. I have the CPS2 kick Harness but neither 10 pin are giving me buttons 5 and 6. It seems like the bottom 10 pin is the right one. Any ideas?
  18. Dreamstate

    Sega16-Pi Multi Selector with OLED

    Just curious, but do you have an estimate of what the whole multi and selector costs? Super nice project. My ST-V is jealous!