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    Drop in replacement for a Peter Chou USP-11-150X?

    I'm trying to buy a matching replacement power supply for a Peter Chou USP-11-150X, but the usual ones all seem to be discontinued and I can't find something being sold with the right connectors/power rails. Anybody know of a good quality PSU that would match this model?
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    Using Ethernet to Make a Longer Multi-Selector Cable?

    I keep my CPS2 multi in an entertainment center (it's ventilated), but having to open the door everytime I want to switch games gets tedious really quickly. I remembered the Naomi multis use ethernet to transfer the game data, and while I understand it's doing something different it did make me...
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    WTB Virtua Fighter 1/3 Kit, Fighting Vipers 2 Kit

    Looking to pickup both of these, might as well send out some feelers. Would need the whole kits - Model 1 VF with IO board, Sound board, filter board etc. Same with Model 3 VF3/3TB/FV2. Even the cages if possible. Thanks for looking.
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    Burning roms for Model 2/3 pcbs

    Hey guys. I have some Model 2 and Model 3 pcbs that need new roms. The boards that are getting updates are within the same step (e.g. updating VF2 to VF2.1, changing a Model 3 step 1 game to a different step 1 game, etc.) so as far as I can tell it shouldn't be a problem. I already have a rom...
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    WTB CPS3 Kit/Sega ST-V Multi

    Looking to buy a CPS3 kit as well as an ST-V system plus multi-cart (preferably with LCD game selector). PayPal payments. Thanks for reading!
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    WTB Original Capcom Custom SH2 CPS3 Carts with latest Darksoft SuperBIOS Firmware/Original Capcom CPSIII SIMMs

    Looking for some working original Capcom Custom SH2 SuperBIOS carts with the latest Darksoft firmware (I believe it's V5), possibly one or two of them with autoboot to USA and Japan regions, as well as working original Capcom CPS3 SIMMs in 64 and 128MB variations. Payments via PayPal. Thanks for...