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  1. C

    DARKSOFT New CPSIII Ultra Simms! 8 times the size of a regular SIMM

    Lets start a CPS3 ultrasimms go fund me! haha
  2. C

    Interest Check - NEW MVS MULTI BATCH!!

    There is alot of bad feedback on the Discord group thats for sure! Ive had one in my neo geo since March and it works great for me. Looking forward to trying the darksoft MVS in my neo25. I must admit the darksoft products are amazing! CPS2 and CPS3 user. Just wished those ultra simms would come...
  3. C

    FS Lets get it SOLD PRICE Neo29 Cab

    Lovely!! No such things here in the UK! GLWS.
  4. C

    FS .

    Still for sale?
  5. C

    DARKSOFT New CPSIII Ultra Simms! 8 times the size of a regular SIMM

    This is my thinking. I seem to have an issue with my SCSIsd reading 100% of the time. Gets stuck on reading cd loop. Take the sd out and back in and tends to work. not ideal when its burried in cps3 case.
  6. C

    DARKSOFT New CPSIII Ultra Simms! 8 times the size of a regular SIMM

    Ultrasimms would be perfect! Ive pretty much convereted all my stuff to darksoft now but having to buy certain things 2nd hand (probably more). Would be nice to get from source.
  7. C

    Hi all

    I havent no, I wanted to flip the screen and dedicate it to vertical shumps. I have twisted the aero and blasts inside out and back again so wanted something new to play with. Do you have experience with them? I am one of those anal people for detial so the aero and the neo will be getting my...
  8. C

    Hi all

    Here you go. I have the NAC and Blast at home, the Aero and neo 25 are on the way to me. 2nd Astro is at work for me and the lads to play on (if we get time) and the 2nd blast im restoring. its currrently at the paint shop being coated.
  9. C

    Hi all

    When I was a kid we used to work in a sound and light shop and the in house tech there (mad mick) we all made fun on but he could fix anything!! What I would do to have him to hand now. Ive been sending some bits state side but its not cheap. Plus I like to mess anyway and enjoy learning what...
  10. C

    Hi all

    I got the solder/desolder stations aswell. Never done much before bar the odd wire here and there and the equipment is amazing. I practised capping etc on a mega drive 2 and more or less replaced everything on it. Then did several PSUs/sound amps and monitor chassis. The chassis I did see...
  11. C

    Hi all

    thank you! I will keep that in mind, ive embraced the hobby on a hands on level aswell as love having a tinker! Hakko equipment helps alot! I have recently got a OSSC to run my neo geo through my S95C but I just cant seem to get the settings good enough. I curently have it on a sony trinitron...
  12. C

    Interest Check - NEW MVS MULTI BATCH!!

    Ordered and looking forward to putting this in my neo25
  13. C

    Hi all

    Thank you very much! It will continue to grow I hope as I have such a soft spot for candy cabs. Im in the West Midlands. My house sits on 20 odd concrete steps so be my guest!!
  14. C

    Hi all

    Hello everyone, Just a quick hello and a little bit about me. I am based in the UK and have been playing games from the late 80s. I love all aspects of gaming but have found modern games have now become very easy and the only real challenge is grinding which isnt too much of an issue being an...