
  1. Scanline City

    FS Many Arcade PCB Boards for Sale Cave, Konami, Irem, Raiden, Sega System 18, Psikyo, Rare, PGM, Data East

    Hey everyone! As many of you already know, the roof of my building collapsed almost two years ago, and I am in the process of rebuilding it. It has been a very tough financial time for me, and unfortunately, I need to sell some of my cherished PCBs, many of which include the Scanline...
  2. NeoGuile

    WTB Following GAMES PGM IGS

    <<Update>> Hi, I'm looking for the following PGM IGS games and their ArtWorks and Move List: Vs Fighters: - Martial Masters (2001) - S.V.G. Spectral vs Generation (2005) - The Killing Blade / Gouken Kyoutou (97) - The Killing Blade Plus / Gouken Kyoutou Plus (2005) Shmups: - Do Donpachi 2...
  3. jcmorrisii

    FOUND IGS PGM RSEC3 Resistor pack x2

    I recently acquired a PGM mother ( Revision 5 ) that has 2/4 RSEC3 resistor packs in the front here damaged. I’m hoping someone has some parts boards laying around and can pull 2 of them for me. Thank you :) (This is not my photo, just for reference of part)
  4. B

    No Multiplayer on Puzzli 2

    Hi guys, I've got a new game in my collection and tried it a little bit. It's a really fun game, but while playing in single player I'm not able to "get a new challenger". The buttons are working fine. When I press the P2 start button on the demo screen I can also play with the girl on the P2...
  5. B

    Flickering on Demon Front PGM

    Hi, I'm new to arcades and bought a PGM board (Rev. 5) with Demon Front. When I first played this, I only recognised a little flickering and the highscores. Playing the game was still fine. But then I removed resistor R24 and D2 and replaced the battery with a battery holder. After that it...
  6. iq_132

    iq_132's Neo Geo ports

    I figured I should just create a post specifically talking about my ports to Neo Geo and their statuses. 1. Cabal - There are some graphics artifacts that are still present (scanline flicker) 2. Nichibutsu's Terra Cresta - One remaining bug with high score entry - Needs tested on real...
  7. Dloop

    FS IGS PGM bundle!

    Selling my PGM things as a bundle. This includes: * IGS PGM motherboard - the rare someone decided to paint it white edition * Demon Front - including shock box and professionally printed insert * Espgaluda - conversion * Ketsui - conversion * Dodonpachi - conversion Price is 600 Euro +...
  8. kikaso

    SOLD IGS PGM Motherboard

    Looking to sell my beloved PolyGame Master motherboard. This is the 14th and final revision for the PGM meaning that the onboard battery is a cheap, easily replaced coin cell, (CR2032). I have replaced all of the electrolytic capacitors using a kit from Console5. This means you do not have to...