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SOLD 2x Capcom Mini Cute

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Anyone know if there are any real differences between regions of Boogie Wings? Or is it just a title change?
Giving the cabs one last play before they are off to a new home.

Da buyer must be one lucky SOB :thumbsup:
Cutes are so cheap in the US. They go north of £3500 in Europe (even more if nicely restored).
Cutes are so cheap in the US. They go north of £3500 in Europe (even more if nicely restored).
Reason I was able to offer them at that price is cause I got them straight from JP myself, no middleman upcharge. If not, the price would have been way higher.
They are just not the cab for me.
That's the thing about the Cute, its an awesome cab, one I would personally love to own...
But, far as game play gos, they are not comfortable for two adult sized males to play on together.

Could you do better in the game play department that a Cute? Absolutely!
What they have in excess is cool factor!
They are just not the cab for me.
That's the thing about the Cute, its an awesome cab, one I would personally love to own...But, far as game play gos, they are not comfortable for two adult sized males to play on together.

Could you do better in the game play department that a Cute? Absolutely!
What they have in excess is cool factor!
Its definitely a playable collectors item. They should have made 4 color choice so you could put 4 back to back and make that clover setup.
Still these things lined up are juck fucking cute though. Definitely a showpiece
Damn, must be hard letting those go! I don’t think I could do it.
A bit, probably never see them again. But they are going to a good home. They are just not the cab for me. Plus I have like 7-9 other crt cabs to work on.
Well then sell them to me..They will be in better hands with me than anyone else..besides I guarantee you that I will give them a great home:)
Damn, must be hard letting those go! I don’t think I could do it.
A bit, probably never see them again. But they are going to a good home. They are just not the cab for me. Plus I have like 7-9 other crt cabs to work on.
Well then sell them to me..They will be in better hands with me than anyone else..besides I guarantee you that I will give them a great home:)
Sega Dino King cab :D I gotta finish converting that, been procrastinating because I was concentrating more on getting tht games I like and multis :)
Yeah, I was surprised when he just put the funds in my account without even showing interest on the thread, Big Baller Ekorz :D

Im hoping this summer we can do a meet-up up north with all you guys :thumbsup: Its been a while.
lots of people just came and went for PAX East... But no one wanted to hangout.
Kinda pathetic if you ask me, for those of you who have never gone to PAX... It's highly focus on new games/selling new games.

They don't cater to us classic guys, it's more or less a trojen horse to get you in the door and sell you the latest version of Call of Duty. No respect or luv from me.
Should have thought about looking to see who was going for Pax. I went, the red bull arcade this was fun enough. Cruising world, lots of 80's arcades, 1 SF 2 turbo set up that was actually just a Pandora I put on Sengoku 3 and beat with a friend after the SF hype and lines died down on Friday. Was fun! And a few newer games made into cabs at the show, Gungeon and Armed and Gelatinous.
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Haha it was free admission. Pax is all about the indie devs and games. Were some good ones
The comedy.......
There is seller on eBay that bought out a storage unit or something in Hawaii and listed a bunch of untested boards for auction. For some reason, he had them all end just after 1:30am PST today. Thinking there wouldn't be a mouse in the house, I thought "Great, an opportunity to pick up some boards on the cheap!" Seems I wasn't the only one with that idea. Armed with my 4 second and under snipe bid tactic, I still lost out on KI2, MK1, and SFII. But I did pull out another Taito F3 - Busta Move Again. That one went uncontested, I'd might add. Little do these guys know, this board is potentially more valuable than those others :P. I suppose I am happy. I have all these boards except for KI2 but I may pick up this cab complete sometime soon. I did pick up PGM/IGS mainboard from another seller in China even if it is a while before I will use it. Seems like a good deal. Pick one up for a Darksoft Multi project down the road.

Ok, off to bed............
Then...............the startling confession of guilt:
Snipped a SF2:WW on ebay out from under @acblunden2 's nose. Sorry bro, my infant daughter woke me up at 3am and I had insomnia after that!
mini-not-so-cute- @ekorz. "Eagle Eyes" ekorz, Sniper Wolf, LCD-ekorz indeed!