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I bought one of these recently for the Naomi setup in my Astro City cab previously I used the Naomi Sun PSU with a stepdown if I use a PC power supply do I no longer need to use the stepdown converter?
Hello Swisstoni,

The adaptator supply only Naomi CM and/or io board.
Not use for supply all the Cab (like CRT etc..)

So yes you need to use your stepdown too.

The Astro City cab is powered by a seperate stepdown, the Naomi is powered by a sun psu which is plugged into its own stepdown so with this will I no longer need a stepdown for the naomi if I use a PC power supply?

The naomi board uses a seperate stepdown converter to the cab

Hello Swisstoni,

The adaptator supply only Naomi CM and/or io board.
Not use for supply all the Cab (like CRT etc..)

So yes you need to use your stepdown too.

Hi Swisstony,

So yes if you talking about the sun power supply
This one :

Yes it can be remplaced by an ATX with my adaptators ;)

But I don't remember if you ordered me the io adaptator.
This one :

Because you need that for io supply (io is also supply by the sun power supply)

I hope this answers your question.


I'd like to get one for a Naomi... do you have in stock?
sorry missed the reply no I didnt get an IO adapter please can I order one.

Hi Swisstony,

So yes if you talking about the sun power supply
This one :

Yes it can be remplaced by an ATX with my adaptators ;)

But I don't remember if you ordered me the io adaptator.
This one :

Because you need that for io supply (io is also supply by the sun power supply)

I hope this answers your question.

You don't happen to make CPS2 kick harnesses as well do you?