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Arcade Ashtrays - 3D Model

Here’s a plain one and a Namco logo one. These ones won’t stack on top of each other as the base is about 2mm too big in diameter. But they’re fine for general coin use. I don’t know anything about 3-D printing, but I believe you have to do something to create support for the overhanging upper part of the ashtray. Let me know how you all go with your prints.


No probs. I’ll still chase up the stackable one and perhaps some other logos.

Ok we want SEGA!

They print nice and will do fine for me:

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well I learned a few things in tinkercad today and ... voilà:

they are printing now ... will post the results and if ok will post the remixes!
That’s neat. Apparently there’s a trick to “wrapping” over the curvature of the ashtray but you look like you nailed it.
@Mrhide You ever print with ABS and try acetone vapor smoothing? I 3D printed these ashtrays, vapor smoothed them, and it totally eliminated any layer lines or other chararacteristically "3D printed" surface artifacts. With 100% infill they look and feel almost exactly like injection moulded plastic. Highly recommended.



Is anyone willing/able to make me some blue or white Capcom ones? 2 or 3? Heck even blanks will suffice. I like that technique you posted to smooth them!
@Mrhide You ever print with ABS and try acetone vapor smoothing? I 3D printed these ashtrays, vapor smoothed them, and it totally eliminated any layer lines or other chararacteristically "3D printed" surface artifacts. With 100% infill they look and feel almost exactly like injection moulded plastic. Highly recommended

Acetone vapor smoothing… nope, can’t say i did and here i go googling it to see what that implies.

Edit: back after reading https://all3dp.com/2/abs-acetone-smoothing-3d-print-vapor-smoothing/

Haven’t even printed ABS yet… but i see it makes nice results!
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@Mrhide It does indeed give good results. One tip I’d suggest is if you modeled with any rounded edges/fillets consider removing them for a model you intend to vapor smooth, as the edges get rounded for you. The longer the model is in the vapor, the more rounded hard edges get.
XTC-3D is pretty rad, just make sure to hit the uncured print with a heat gun to get rid of the tiny bubbles that love to form in it.
@Odwalla I've read about xtc30 but never used it myself. Cool to hear a personal account of using it. Seems like an interesting solution if you want to print with PLA.
There's a bit of a learning curve with it.
I'm sure the company would tell you there's some kind of secret sauce that makes it different than a loosely mixed epoxy resin, but I'm not sure I can tell the difference personally.

If you buy a box make sure you take the foam brush that comes with it and spike that dude straight into the trash.
Cool. Indeed, I'm always a bit wary of any finishing product that needs to be applied with a brush. More because of my own finishing skills with a brush than anything. I seems like I can always see the brushstrokes somewhere in the end product. But that's probably just me ;)

That's why I like vapor smoothing as it's hands off and perfectly uniform. But you need to print with ABS which has its own learning curve.
I've been designing and printing lightguns for the last year or so.
My favorite service recently has been JLCPCB, they'll crank out parts on their industrial printers in all sorts of engineering grade materials for just a few bucks in most cases and they look as clean as injection molded parts, they'll even paint and finish them in any pantone color you want.

I love those guys so much <3
@Odwalla Oooooooh. Very good info. I've always quantified JLC for pcb fabrication but on closer look I now see all their 3D printing capabilities. Definitely going to keep them in mind if I need something professionally printed.

And on the lightgun front, if you've been designing and printing lightguns I have little doubt people on this board would like to see your work. I certainly would. You should post a thread on it man!
I've been a little nervous to hop in, but if that's the case I'll work on tossing up a worklog.
The feedback would be excellent.