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Atomiswave Metal slug 6 ported to Dreamcast!!

Does this have the same lag as the Naomi conversions?
I'm expecting DC port(s) will have same lag as original game, because there was no need to fully change inputs polling like in NAOMI ports.
I kinda wonder, wouldn't it work using a mapple controller if we remove the JVS part from the AW loader? (assuming we patch games to run in freeplay mode)?
I kinda wonder, wouldn't it work using a mapple controller if we remove the JVS part from the AW loader? (assuming we patch games to run in freeplay mode)?
not sure if I understand your question.

if you remove JVS patches/jumps from games they will:
- read player 1 inputs from Maple port A, which is internally wired JVS MCU (aka MIE) at NAOMI mobo, not sure if it also wired to CN6, will be nice if someone will check that
- read player 2 inputs from Maple port B, which is wired to CN6
- same for pl3/4 but ports C and D wired to CN 7 connector
Amazing stuff. I hope Rumble Fish 2 is next on the list, one of the best games ever made.
Any indeep how they archieved this? I really want FOTNS on it
I am readings and thinking..maybe it’s time to get a second backup Dreamcast before the price jump..Between the HDMI, CDrom iso option and now this, price hike.
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Any indeep how they archieved this? I really want FOTNS on it
not they, him.
"all the information you need is in the MAME source code"
"knowing the hardware and assembler, it is very easy to remake the gamethe only problem is the lack of free time"

it was said couple of times: since Atomiswave fully RE'd and well documented and same tech specs as DC - it was just a matter of time of some moderate-skilled engineer, who more-less know DC hardware. I'd say 1-2 days of spare time work for 1st game (MS6) porting, and just a few hours for subsequent games porting.
nothing really "hard" or "complex", mostly boring straightforward work.

as of tech details "how" - see this post https://www.obscuregamers.com/threads/atomiswave-games-to-dc-can-it-be-possible.2813/#post-18306
just follow this instructions :) I'm 80% sure Megavolt did
Any indeep how they archieved this? I really want FOTNS on it
not they, him."all the information you need is in the MAME source code"
"knowing the hardware and assembler, it is very easy to remake the gamethe only problem is the lack of free time"

it was said couple of times: since Atomiswave fully RE'd and well documented and same tech specs as DC - it was just a matter of time of some moderate-skilled engineer, who more-less know DC hardware. I'd say 1-2 days of spare time work for 1st game (MS6) porting, and just a few hours for subsequent games porting.
nothing really "hard" or "complex", mostly boring straightforward work.

as of tech details "how" - see this post https://www.obscuregamers.com/threads/atomiswave-games-to-dc-can-it-be-possible.2813/#post-18306
just follow this instructions :) I'm 80% sure Megavolt did
Very interesting, thanks
Everyone reading this thread thinking... AWESOME.... now when can we go the other way :)

Really nice work to see these converts being done!
yeah i wish the dreamcast exclusives end-up on my naomi: soulcalibur, mr driller, sturmwind...

having AW gun games on DC would be great aswell
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