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Blind MS8-29


Feb 9, 2020
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Just picked up a Kyotaro 29 with a MS8-29 monitor. The problem I am having with it is nothing is displayed when powered on, the game sounds will work properly though.
Tested the cabinet at the location before purchasing it and the monitor was working fine. When I got the cab settled in the garage and fired it up nothing is displayed.
I did blast the cabinet with a air compressor to dust it out perhaps something got loose?

I can hear static noises when the cab is turned on and shortly when off.

Any idea?

EDIT: In case someone stumbles on this thread while troubleshooting I found the solution:
While using the air compressor to blow out the dust one of the plug pin on the filter board became loose and resulted in no display.
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I feel like a bunch of the monitor issues around here keep starting with air compressors and shop vacs.

If it was just that and transport, I would suggest double checking all of your connectors. Something has likely come loose.
Thanks for the advice I'll give the connection another look in the morning when I can properly see.
Wanted to rid of the dust quickly, should of avoid blasting the cab.
Good call on checking on the connection I found one loose connection. Thought it was just connecting somewhere in the cp but the wiring just loops around and dangle out.
Followed the blue wire that it is connected to the pink wire all the way to the JAMMA plug and if I am looking at the pinouts correctly it is the 4th pin so the +5v? (its the only pink wire)
So correct me if I am wrong does the blue wire connect directly to the +5v on the power supply or does it need to be connected somewhere on the chassis?
I am a totally newbie at this.


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I would be looking at the connectors on the chassis/neckboard/yoke rather than the ones on the JAMMA harness or PSU.

You should have a connector that goes into the chassis from the JAMMA harness. You should have 1 or 2 from the yoke to the chassis. One from the tube to the neckboard, and at least a connector from the neckboard to chassis. Also power from somewhere, but if you're getting static then you have power and we don't need to worry about that.

Since the blue wire has that connector on it and you'd found it in the CP I'd guess it's for a button. Follow it back and see where it goes.
I also have an MS8 29(FSG). There's a short connector that goes from the frame of the chassis to the actual board that I forgot to connect once, which caused no picture. The smaller side of the cable isn't the tightest, so maybe that came loose? It's that red, green, blue cable at the very bottom left of my pic.
