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so no more guesses on what game my button stick panel is actually for? 🤔
I'd guess some sort of Ikari Warrior style shooter, with a fire button on the joystick and some rotate clockwise/counter-clockwise buttons + grenade ?
For those interested the 3 games (that I know of) that are designed to use a push button joystick are
1. Ninja Gaiden (aka Shadow Warriors)

2. Silk Worm

3. Block Out

Specifically my panel was designed for Block Out.

Annoyingly, all 3 of these games use different button mapping and NONE of them make sense

Ninja Gaiden has button 3 on the joystick then buttons 1 and 2 on the panel, that's fine but they also swap P1 an P2, so if you were to plug in a normal JAMMA harness your player sides would be backwards.

Silk Worm has button 3 on the joystick but then the panel has button 2 on the left and button 1 on the right, they ALSO swap P1 and P2 controls, though it's less noticeable since the player you choose determines your vehicle.

Block Out has button 1 on the joystick, then from left to right is button 4, 3, 2 for some dumb reason, thankfully it doesn't swap player positions though.

For those unfamiliar, Block out is a 3D Tetris game, the 3 buttons rotate the part along each of the 3 axis and the joystick button drops the part. I've also seen this game wired up with two normal joysticks, where left, up, and right on the right joystick rotates, and down on the right joystick drops.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Tn_WoNxG2M
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Another fun fact, while I'm thinking of it

Agress: Missile Daisenryaku is another really fun puzzle game that uses the same hardware as Block Out. Either game can be easily ROM swapped to the other. (though Block Out is WAY easier to find)
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cg0uFPSRhP8

Agress doesn't use a button stick but if you watch the video you'll hear they share a lot of sound effects.

As fun as Agress is, it is extremely buggy and during a long play session you get some serious slow-downs. Still a weird and fun game though.
@twistedsymphony - If you haven't spent any time with Nova 2001, you should take a bit of time and check it out.....it uses the top button for strafe which gives it an interesting mechanic...and it has an obvious bit of Xevious feel, but instead of scrolling vertically, its almost like a top-down arena shooter. It would work well with your panel.

I really like Block-Out, and should probably find a PCB to add to my puzzle collection at some point. I've only ever mame'd it, and had not seen a cabinet...so I had no idea it used the top button sticks.
@twistedsymphony - If you haven't spent any time with Nova 2001, you should take a bit of time and check it out.....it uses the top button for strafe which gives it an interesting mechanic...and it has an obvious bit of Xevious feel, but instead of scrolling vertically, its almost like a top-down arena shooter. It would work well with your panel.

I really like Block-Out, and should probably find a PCB to add to my puzzle collection at some point. I've only ever mame'd it, and had not seen a cabinet...so I had no idea it used the top button sticks.
very cool! another one for the list. Pre-JAMMA stuff usually isn't on my radar but I'll check it out