Here's a demo of a project I've been working on a for a little while [2-3 weeks].
A port of Seibu's 1988 game Cabal.
Here's a video of it on real hardware (Please excuse the low quality capture, my supergun (GBS Control)/hdmi (cheap USB dongle) capture method are not great) [it doesn't have borders and the colors are correct].
Things of note:
I haven't played it through to the end
There is currently no sound.
The file is 7zipped inside of a zip to work around forum limitations [zip doesn't compress enough, 7z isn't supported as a file type]
This runs at offset 0 on a fluffy cart, so jp1 should be open. The other jumpers shouldn't matter.
And as always, if you like my work:
A port of Seibu's 1988 game Cabal.
Here's a video of it on real hardware (Please excuse the low quality capture, my supergun (GBS Control)/hdmi (cheap USB dongle) capture method are not great) [it doesn't have borders and the colors are correct].
Things of note:
I haven't played it through to the end
There is currently no sound.
The file is 7zipped inside of a zip to work around forum limitations [zip doesn't compress enough, 7z isn't supported as a file type]
This runs at offset 0 on a fluffy cart, so jp1 should be open. The other jumpers shouldn't matter.
And as always, if you like my work:
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