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Dec 18, 2021
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Shmup player here with money to burn. I'm looking to buy my first few CAVE PCBs, especially those on the CV1000 boards. I've messaged a few sellers on this forum several days ago, but no replies as of yet.

  • Mushihimesama
  • Mushihimesama Futari
  • Pink Sweets
  • Muchi Muchi Pork
  • Akai Katana
  • Ibara
  • Deathsmiles 1 or 2
  • Espgaluda II
  • DDP SDOJ (not at all hopeful on this one)
I'm open to Cave games on the 68000 board series as well, but would prefer CV1000 boards. Price depends on board, but fully understand these will not be inexpensive. Please message me with game/games you'd be willing to sell, if there's any art/popups/etc. included or not, and preferably, what price you're looking for.

I'm NOT looking to sell these anytime soon, likely ever. These are for my machines. These will be played regularly.
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Good point. Thanks, @ekorz.

Total budget is $4,000 or so for now. But always saving and always on the lookout, so over time, that can change.

edit: to be clear, I'm not looking to spend $4k on a single PCB; that's just the total budget right now.
^ Budget noted. You are in line for Pink Sweets, but everything else you’re at the front of the line for when I search.
Great! Looking forward to hearing from you. That list is more or less in order of preference, in case that matters for you.
If I see something you’ll be messaged. I’ll likely buy it outright then offer it to you first before it hits the war zone/sales thread.
It was just under 700k for a kit at BEEP a couple of months ago. PCB store prices are high, but at least you know the item is (hopefully) real and it works. More importantly, the item is actually available for purchase right now. In their eyes, they still have a business to run, and if you don't like the prices then you can go back on top of the powerlines and hang out with the rest of the crows :p
The lame part about Tops is that there are no pictures of the actual item. They are a respectable dealer, but holy hell how hard is it to snap a few pictures with an iPhone. They don't seem to have any problems uploading stock art and YouTube videos of each game.
It was just under 700k for a kit at BEEP a couple of months ago. PCB store prices are high, but at least you know the item is (hopefully) real and it works. More importantly, the item is actually available for purchase right now. In their eyes, they still have a business to run, and if you don't like the prices then you can go back on top of the powerlines and hang out with the rest of the crows :p
Someone is gonna get it, its just a matter of when. OP do your thing!
^ the BEEP one sold in under a week. This one isn't a full kit, so I imagine it'll be around a little longer. I think it'll last a month...and then end up on YAJ for 1,000,000 lol
The lame part about Tops is that there are no pictures of the actual item. They are a respectable dealer, but holy hell how hard is it to snap a few pictures with an iPhone. They don't seem to have any problems uploading stock art and YouTube videos of each game.

Agreed, but they are pretty good about sending you pictures of the board if you send them an inquiry.
There is an SDOJ on YAJ too.
Personally, I wouldn't purchase anything over 100k on YAJ. There is literally zero buyer protection; Yahoo will not step into buyer/seller disputes. I just got burned on two "fully working" PVM-9044s in a row, and there's nothing I can do about it. YAJ is always a gamble.
FYI, it seems that many people are looking for these games too. When someone posts one for sale people come out of the woodwork all clamoring for it. The for sale threads you posted interest on had caused quite a bit of drama when they were first listed. I would guess those PCBs are already spoken for, or not for sale anymore, there hasn't been any activity on them for a while.

I'd echo ShootTheCore's advice, check tops if you have money in your pocket and are ready to buy now. You'll pay considerably more, but it is available now, and it will be a smooth straightforward transaction. Otherwise you'll have to play the wating game and hope to be one of the first responders to a listing when it is posted.
^ the Futari kit I found out in the wild was over 60k cheaper than the Tops one FYI ; )

Edit: looks like the Tops one isn’t even a full kit with the precious cardboard. It’s for sale now though…so there is that lol.
When someone posts one for sale people come out of the woodwork all clamoring for it. The for sale threads you posted interest on had caused quite a bit of drama when they were first listed. I would guess those PCBs are already spoken for, or not for sale anymore, there hasn't been any activity on them for a while.

Learning how a derrick thread works is like a right of passage here :P like watching the circus come to town, except it's all anti-social oil barons you'll never see again. He's a good guy tho- good to see his pockets get filled, even if it means his DMs are a nightmare 24/7.

seconding going through joko for this though- especially since you're looking for REALLY high dollar stuff. I've risked going for some really expensive stuff via buyee/zenmarket in the past and have had my fair share of exploded CPS3s and banged up parts, but I just recently did the whole song and dance with joko and it's almost surreal being able to order from a proxy service and not pulling my hair out for a couple weeks waiting to see if i'm being mailed a 4-figure box of garbage and battery acid lmao. Worth every penny 👌