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Sep 28, 2019
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Germany Augsburg
Hello I have problems with my chihiro but I need a 7.2 volt battery that the games load times are faster and the high scores are saved even with Outrune 2 SP?

to the situation battery is fully charged 8.4 volts in the chihiro the LED lights up red then green when fully charged! But after switching off, he loads the whole game from the CF card and the high scors are reset

should be backed up in the working memory with the battery

where is my problem hope for help

Greetings from Bavaria
The answer is yes to all of these. You need a charge (either from battery or mini psu) to keep the DIMM ram active otherwise it will have to load from the media, GD-ROM or CF, again. Ghost Squad and Outrun 2 are the only games I know of to have the game settings save on the DIMM ram so if there's no charge on the DIMM ram, the game settings reset. I went a bit DIY on my end to replace the batteries and used a (rather cheap) battery holder. I also suggest to keep the small PCB that was with the old battery pack because you will need this to prevent the new batteries from overcharging (they charge while the game is on so the best way to get a good charge out of them is to leave the game running for a long period of time).

You can see my updated post on my Ghost Squad restore of replacing the DIMM batteries here: https://www.arcade-projects.com/forums/index.php?threads/back-to-ghost-squad-project.13199/

I almost forgot, the batteries used are 18650 3.7v batteries.
There is more then 1 battery in the Chohiro, i don't believe the game saves are stored in the DIMM memory , only the game data, but if it has to reload the game data it will wipe the eeprom.
There is more then 1 battery in the Chihiro, i don't believe the game saves are stored in the DIMM memory; only the game data, but if it has to reload the game data it will wipe the eeprom.
There is a CR2032 battery but that saves "system" settings instead of game (this explains why coin settings on my Ghost Squad saved but ingame settings and scores did not). And I pretty much have to say the exact same thing from nem's last post. The reason why Outrun 2 and Ghost Squad saves game settings to the DIMM memory was because the base board's 2KB worth of nvram, actually a serial eeprom, was probably not large enough to store game settings for those two games only. The rest of the chihiro games could save game data without exceeding the 2KB limit (maybe with the exception the satellite terminal games and Maximum Tune 1/2).
There is more then 1 battery in the Chihiro, i don't believe the game saves are stored in the DIMM memory; only the game data, but if it has to reload the game data it will wipe the eeprom.
There is a CR2032 battery but that saves "system" settings instead of game (this explains why coin settings on my Ghost Squad saved but ingame settings and scores did not). And I pretty much have to say the exact same thing from nem's last post. The reason why Outrun 2 and Ghost Squad saves game settings to the DIMM memory was because the base board's 2KB worth of nvram, actually a serial eeprom, was probably not large enough to store game settings for those two games only. The rest of the chihiro games could save game data without exceeding the 2KB limit (maybe with the exception the satellite terminal games and Maximum Tune 1/2).
There is a small Super Cap under the Media Board UNDER the CR2032, it will leak, and it will take out traces. if you have teh system apart, replace it. i have attached what they look like.


  • battery.png
    567.9 KB · Views: 50
There is a small Super Cap is only for the backup if you change the 2032 to keep the settings short

I have just installed a functioning 7.2 volt battery again but I want to build a larger backup battery because I don't use the machine so often
There is a small Super Cap is only for the backup if you change the 2032 to keep the settings short

I have just installed a functioning 7.2 volt battery again but I want to build a larger backup battery because I don't use the machine so often
I saw a post somewhere that someone just used a Sony 7.5v power brick + blocking diode..
There is a small Super Cap is only for the backup if you change the 2032 to keep the settings short

I have just installed a functioning 7.2 volt battery again but I want to build a larger backup battery because I don't use the machine so often
I saw a post somewhere that someone just used a Sony 7.5v power brick + blocking diode..
Found Another Solution:


I actually like this one.. I have a bunch of those little UPS Boards :D hmm.. yeah, i don't need to save my score LOL.
If you do it right, you can power the Net DIMM from a power supply when there is power and then from the battery if you lose power.

We have our cabinets powered from a Z-wave power switch, so we power the Net DIMM separately from the cabinet.

Using something like this https://www.adafruit.com/product/2465 combined with a buck converter will allow you to use LiPo batteries instead of lead acid batteries (and if you're lucky can fit in the original battery compartment).
There is more then 1 battery in the Chihiro, i don't believe the game saves are stored in the DIMM memory; only the game data, but if it has to reload the game data it will wipe the eeprom.
There is a CR2032 battery but that saves "system" settings instead of game (this explains why coin settings on my Ghost Squad saved but ingame settings and scores did not). And I pretty much have to say the exact same thing from nem's last post. The reason why Outrun 2 and Ghost Squad saves game settings to the DIMM memory was because the base board's 2KB worth of nvram, actually a serial eeprom, was probably not large enough to store game settings for those two games only. The rest of the chihiro games could save game data without exceeding the 2KB limit (maybe with the exception the satellite terminal games and Maximum Tune 1/2).
there seems to be a goofy bug of some sort. after using maximum tune 1 then going back to outrun 2 the settings starting storing on the serial rom