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Nov 12, 2019
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***Update 12/28/2019 - Just received the 1 slot MVS I orderd and tested out the cart. Finally, it works. Only problem I've noted so far is that Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 seems to have a problem but I'll try it again later. While the new board seems to do the trick, I'm not 100% sure as to what the cause of the problem is aside from my 4 slot having some possible problems and even then I'm still checking as to what specifically. The only noticeable difference between my 1-slot and 4-slot is that my 1-slot doesn't have Unibios. I'll test it with the Unibios attached later if it did something or not***

***Update 11/19/2019 - Just changed the PSU with a different and new PC PSU, attached a new battery, and cleaned the cart and contacts. Still no changes. Currently, my plans are either: A.) Get a new board, B.) Get a new SD Card, or C.) Wait for the Twisted Quarter's PSU to be available. Also, the text box also gave me an error something about 1*x000. Not sure what that means***


As I tested out the MultiMVS for the first time, the screen seems to be choppy (see attachments) and the left side of the screen seems to be glitching out as well. This problem persisted to the games. I restarted the system and even change slot (I use a MV4) but it still has this screen problem.
The only notable thing I can state is that my MVS has no active battery (as seen here Battery concern) and I use UniBios but I don't know if that matters. I also installed the menu and firm updates as instructed.

What seems to be the cause of the problem? Dirty contacts? Bad SD Card? I also would like to note that as I run the diagnostics, it got stuck on filesystem on my 3rd try. The 1st diagnostic was fine but the second one stated that the file system failed.I also like to state that on my 1st and 3rd attempt, the music played but on my 2nd test, it didn't.
Thanks for the help



A sample on what the games look like

Edit: As of November 13, I've tried some things but to no avail. I've also noticed some things as well:
-Placing the cart to the other slots would not fix the problem. However, I noticed that the music is gone when placed on slots 2-4.
-Bumping the firmware and menu to the previous version didn't help
-Deleting the Ram did nothing
-After loading a game and trying to quit back to the menu, the system will go to the crosshatch screen. I've also noticed this the first time I've inserted the cart.
-The 2 boards of the carts seems to have different color. The other one also has something black on it though I don't know if this means something or not (It's there when I received the cart). I assume the black spot is just dirt.

I've tried deleting the MENU folder on the game folder but it resulted into the cart/screen saying "File system not ready" when booting up. The glitch screen is still there. I put the MENU back and it seems that it's back to the usual.
I've also noted that at one point, the cart doesn't seem to be detected by my system sometimes due to how it stays in the crosshatch screen and no matter how I soft restart it, it doesn't get detected until I did a hard reset. I wouldn't say that it's a problem on the system itself since it works fine on my other carts.
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You need a working battery. The NVRAM keeps system state.
You need a working battery. The NVRAM keeps system state.
I'll check it out once my battery holders arrive (maybe after a couple of days). Never thought the battery really is an issue. Thanks for the heads up.
haré yo sure that you are using the FW for MVS and not for AES?

Also something seems not right with your microsd. Is it XD or HC? Only HC work.
Please do an error check from windows (right clicks, properties).
Are you writing the files from windows or mac ?

Have you tried the cart on a other motherboard?


haré yo sure that you are using the FW for MVS and not for AES?

Also something seems not right with your microsd. Is it XD or HC? Only HC work.
Please do an error check from windows (right clicks, properties).
Are you writing the files from windows or mac ?

Have you tried the cart on a other motherboard?
Yes I'm sure I'm using a MVS. The one I downloaded was this 20191108_r1102_MVS_Only and the menu was the latest one. I even tried using the previous versions.

As for the SD Card, there's no error and it was successfully repaired. The microcard is also HC (as printed on the card itself). To be exact, my SD card is a 16 gb kingston brand.
I use a Windows PC.

I haven't tried it on other motherboards since I only own 1.
haré yo sure that you are using the FW for MVS and not for AES?

Also something seems not right with your microsd. Is it XD or HC? Only HC work.
Please do an error check from windows (right clicks, properties).
Are you writing the files from windows or mac ?

Have you tried the cart on a other motherboard?
Yes I'm sure I'm using a MVS. The one I downloaded was this 20191108_r1102_MVS_Only and the menu was the latest one. I even tried using the previous versions.
If it helps, I'll add in some detail. I used the Darksoft NeoGeo Roll-Up Beta 3.1 2019-03-04 somewhere near the end of the page of its respected thread. I tried deleting the contents of the MENU folder with the new one after my first couple of tries.
Here's a screenshot of the diagnostic I took. Just don't forget that I don't have a live battery yet.

Diag 1.jpg
Diag 2.jpg
Maybe a voltage issue, imo the best thing to do like darksoft suggest is try the multi on another mvs motherboard to isolate the problem.
Maybe a voltage issue, imo the best thing to do like darksoft suggest is try the multi on another mvs motherboard to isolate the problem.
Assuming it's a voltage issue, is there a way to fix and test it? Does it have to do with the PSU maybe?
Can you show how are you connecting the MVS to the cabinet or Supergun?

Can you also clean the contacts on the MVS and the carts carefully using isopropyl alcohol?
Update 11/19/2019 - Just changed the PSU with a different and new PC PSU, attached a new battery, and cleaned the cart and contacts. Still no changes. Currently, my plans are either: A.) Get a new board, B.) Get a new SD Card, or C.) Wait for the Twisted Quarter's PSU to be available. Also, the text boxt also gave me an error something about 1*x000. Not sure what that means
the text boxt also gave me an error something about 1*x000. Not sure what that means
That means that you powered off the console while it was in the menu and it still had some data to write, so the card filesystem is corrupted. Take it to your computer and do an error check.
Just received the 1 slot MVS I orderd and tested out the cart. Finally, it works. Only problem I've noted so far is that Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 seems to have a problem but I'll try it again later. While the new board seems to do the trick, I'm not 100% sure as to what the cause is aside from my 4 slot having some possible problems and even then I'm still checking as to what specifically. The noticeable difference between my 1-slot and 4-slot is that my 1-slot doesn't have Unibios. I'll test it with the unibios attached later if it did something or not
problem might be a not properly soldered eprom socket or the eprom being too slow and making some kind of inference in the bus.
problem might be a not properly soldered eprom socket or the eprom being too slow and making some kind of inference in the bus.
Just to clarify, where's the eprom located and what does it look like? Is it present on the cart or the system? Regardless, I might be able to open it up and take a picture just to check it. Hopefully it's something manageable.
I'm not yet too knowledgeable with specific parts and googling it only told me that it's a cart part. I might be wrong though.
its in the mobo NOT in the cart.
Aight, I'll check the board and take some pics. I'll see if there's any loose parts as well.
Speaking of eprom, assuming that the eprom is faulty, there's a site to get some parts right?
So I've checked the board and as far as I'm concerned, I see no loose parts. I guess it's time to replace them.
Pardon the quality, I have to resize it so that I can post it here.


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I think DS was talking about UniBIOS which is burnt onto an EPROM. You said your 4 slot had a UniBIOS but I see a factory BIOS in your photo?