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Jun 1, 2018
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I’m renaming this thread because I’m planning on working on a bunch more panels. I’m liking the Sanwa gates to knock out some easy ones. Decided to tate one of my pvms so I needed two way. I’m dedicating this bukowski fightstick for two way. Put the gate in and it feels good. Galaga feels right. Next I think I’ll find a similar stick for dedicated 4 way. Or I might get the mikesarcade reproduction donkey Kong panel and put that in a box. I need to look at a good 4 way game list and see what requires more than 1 button. I’m also working on a defender panel and definitely doing a twin stick panel. Eventually spinner and trackball. I’m wondering if the connection for those is fairly universal? I have the 60 in one board I’m testing now.

Found a list of 4 way

I’m wiring everything up Neo. I’m on the lookout for decent broken fightsticks since I gut them and wire them up Neo. Just need the Sanwa parts.

I’ve had a nes in a Nintendo vs cab for a long time. Was a donkey Kong. Anyway my brother really likes the vs Nintendo sticks and buttons. I can’t blame him. They are pretty sweet. So I thought of the idea to make him a stick with a vs stick and buttons. Then I saw a complete vs panel on eBay for a decent price so decided I would make him a box for this thing. So far pretty good. My woodworking skills are amateur as hell but I’m pretty happy with what I have so far. Made a base out of oak, cut holes for the select buttons on the sides. Next up cut for t molding, paint the exterior, hack some nes pads, and some cleanup of the sticks and buttons.



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Very sweet!

So you intend to use it on the original NES?
Why not hack up some 8bitdo pads, so you can use it on any other BT device as well ;)
Yeah he will play original nes with it. I can always do more to it, but I’ll leave it as a two button panel. I haven’t wireless modded anything but who knows. I do think I might do this with my vs panel too and get rid of my Nintendo cab to reclaim some space. I’m starting to like the idea of just having a bunch of panels I can hook up to my pvm setup instead of having dedicated arcade cabs. They take up so much space I think I want to narrow down how many I own. I had around 10 and got that down to 6. I might get it down to 4. Next after that panel I’m almost certain I want to do is defender so then I can get rid of that cab. I like defender a lot but again dedicated arcade cabs just eat so much real estate.