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May 6, 2017
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I just got my first CPS2 A/B Board, (Marvel vs Capcom), and it was recommended to me by the seller that I change the battery, because he didn't know when last it had been changed, though he did provide video of it booting prior to shipping.

So I have the boards, and the battery. I don't have a jamma cab, and I'm waiting on my supergun to come in. Can I go ahead and change the battery out or does the board need to have recently been powered on? Just want to make sure I don't screw anything up.

It's not a rechargeable battery so it doesn't mater if it's been powered recently or not. That is an old myth. No truth to it at all. When the battery is dead it's dead.

CPS2 is very easy to change. Jut remove the old and solder in a new one. Make sure the new battery is good. Be wary of battery sellers on ebay. They tend to be old stock.

I got a new battery to spec from battery depot in NY, and the pcb was tested right before he shipped it last week.

I'm not worried about the soldering, just wanted to confirm I was good to go.

Thank you sir!