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Feb 6, 2019
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I'm looking for a set of clips/clamps that hold the CPS2 A+B board together. I didn't realize how sensitive the Darksoft Multi is and could definitely use these for better reliability! :)


the darksoft multi isn't sensitive to the boards not seating together, that's just electronics. if the boards aren't seated the game won't play multi or not. sorry good luck finding some clips.
the darksoft multi isn't sensitive to the boards not seating together, that's just electronics. if the boards aren't seated the game won't play multi or not. sorry good luck finding some clips.

Prior to the kit, my Marvel Super Heros board(s) ran solid without much fuss. After the kit, it took me lots of finesse to get things to boot properly. If things aren't JUUUUST perfect, it'll boot to garbage. Granted, now that things are in place, it's working fine, but I rarely had that happen before. In any case, it would do me good to find/get a set of clips to keep things evenly together. :)
I have used velcro tape wrapped around a+b before, it can hold them really tight. especially that plastic-y velcro stuff, it holds together very tightly.
We're on the same wavelength. Right before I read this, I was thinking long, heavy duty velcro straps or zip ties.
I’ve used a couple of bungie cords before too haha. Another options for ya.