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May 18, 2018
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New Mexico
Hello I was hoping i could get some help IDing this CPS2 gem fighter mini mix board, If this is the wrong section for this post, please let me know. I purchased this cps2 board ~4 years ago as an authentic board. I recently resold it on ebay, and the buyer said that it was iligitimate bootleg and wanted a refund. The chips appear to be authentic, and it is still running off of battery. Can anyone view the pictures, and let me know if this is a legit board. Thanks!


  • gemfight2.jpg
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  • gemfighter1.jpg
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That's a legit board how on earth that can be confused with a bootleg I don't know, perhaps it's a conversion?

There are tons of images and posts online for reference but just one here bottom right of page

Problem is if he is adamant and claims no doubt ebay will side with him and have him return the board anyway
back when I bought the board in 2014, I was under the impression that if a board still had its battery it was legit. The other option was a phoniex board. Were conversions possible back then? Also, would they do a jumper like that from the factory?
There's nothing bootleg about that board. Mask roms are still in place and so is battery. The jumper wire on the back was probably done by Capcom to convert an old game to a new one, which was very common.
Yeah, board is legit. I don't even know how you could convince ebay you were right, though. It would just be he-said-she-said to them and then they'd side with buyer because that's how they operate. It's not like they have staff that are experts in arcade PCBs to know one way or the other.
  1. The mask roms being in place are a dead give away of it being a legit board.
  2. Secondly, the eproms all have the original foil backed stickers on them and are clearly untampered with. Those labels being foil backed are done so for a reason as removing them would destroy the label. Although, this can be counterfeighted, that is a lot of work for about $150.
  3. The board revision indicates nothing about the game. You can imagine that Capcom’s arcade division back in the day refurbed many RMA’ed or recirculated games on consignment. That you see an older revision board on a newish game means nothing. I myself have an MvC rev 4 board. Jumping the board was necessay as this was done.
  4. The seals are broken on the B-boards as part of the maintenance process to replace the battery. All of my OG boards have their seals broken because I have maintained them.
  5. Lastly, while you don’t have it shown, the label on the case would also be a good indication of legitimacy. One can easily tell a laser printed reproduction from a commercially printed original.
Point your buyer (and eBay) here if he wishes to dispute it further. His claims of a bootleg are false.
I have a feeling this is just a case of buyers remorse and this (clearly) bogus claim is just a means to get a refund.

Anyone versed enough in arcade gear to know what a 'bootleg' is knows that is a legit CPS board or at the very least would know how to go about checking.
When I purchased the cart back in the day, it had a torn or missing sticker, so I purchased a reproduction sticker from someone who was selling them on klov.
When I purchased the cart back in the day, it had a torn or missing sticker, so I purchased a reproduction sticker from someone who was selling them on klov.
Ha, that's totally it. Stupid buyer called it "bootleg" because of the label. Uhg. Ebay.
Thanks guys, I appreciate all of the input on this board.
Were the pictures posted above of the PCB in the listing? if so any moron could deduce the labelled had been replaced.
No, I just posted a picture of the outside case.
yeah fair enough but still the label can clearly be seen prior to purchase. The obvious suggestion to the buyer is open the case and look, man what a fool as if you would even call bootleg before doing that anyway, meh.
Either way the ebay is going to side with the buyer. Just have the buyer ship it back and sell it again. It kind of sucks, but its the fastest and easiet solution to this.
Either way the ebay is going to side with the buyer. Just have the buyer ship it back and sell it again. It kind of sucks, but its the fastest and easiet solution to this.
Yeah if he claims, if the buyer hasn't even looked inside the case then there is still the possibility of reasoning with him.
He returned the game, I was just trying to figure out if I misrepresented the game, and I should eat the shipping.
He returned the game, I was just trying to figure out if I misrepresented the game, and I should eat the shipping.
Oh I guess that puts the discussion to bed then.

While I haven't seen the ebay listing if the images of the case and label were shown I can't see how you did misrepresent it especially given it is a genuine board. If he assumed it was bootleg because of a reproduction label (which is a pretty dumb assumption without any further investigation) that is the same reproduction label that was presumably shown in your listing no misdirection or misrepresentation there.