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Nov 6, 2017
Reaction score
Mission Viejo, CA, USA
Hi Folks,

I was helping @bgwelistyl install a DigiAV in his CPS2 - after the initial install, the colors were a bit off - so I pulled it all apart and found that one of the pins on the male headers on the chips on the A board wasn't fully making connection - so fixed that.

Then we had the issue of no video out on the JAMMA side, but the DigiAV showed a rolling picture - so figured something was off with the sync. I turned out that the VS had a tiny solder bridge over to the GND pad - so fixed that and fired it up - and still nothing on JAMMA but still rolling on HDMI.

Did some more digging - and HS and VS were connected together on the chip itself - so redid the soldering - and resolved that.

Turned it all back on - and this time, ZERO video out JAMMA or DigiAV.

I can only assume that i killed the BGSA5 chip - so am looking to get one of those - anyone have a source? Or is the only way to get a A-Board and pull it from there? Does it matter what kind of A board or is that chip the same across all of them?


Matt graciously offered to install my DigiAV on my CPS2 and I was watching and observing (and learning) every step of the way.

It powered up fine the first time and he is correct that it was the color issue, but we're puzzled on how the BGSA5 chip died (or if its even possible to kill that chip)
So - we did more troubleshooting today - the BGSA5 chip was fine - it ended up being that I had a small, tiny bit of solder that was grounding C1/C2 to ground - so after that was fixed, and a myriad of other issues - the CPS2 multi is all working! :)
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The lesson learned in all this is always check your solder jobs and circuits. A couple of the errors that we came across were because of solder issues.

Even a sliver of solder ended up throwing off our errors.

Big thanks to Matt for getting my CPS2 Multi up and running! This community is awesome!